SS1-: The First Rudra: Legend of the Howling One (3/3)

*Author's Thoughts*

Sorry for this big hiatus, I felt that I was not ready to write but actually I was just a patient of Procrastination, LoL. Jokes aside, I am reading many texts as compared to past to increase my writing skills and vocabulary and believe me it works. So first thing for every author to do must be read, even if it is against your preference. Let's skip this, I am writing this chapter via mobile so please forgive me for lack of edit as this is my 4th Rewrite and two even exceeded 6000 words unedited and at end I trashed them too, hehehe. Please comment below, mention what you feel should be included in the story and a heads up; all the chapters of The First Rudra are not starting of story of Grant Walker, it is just like a creation story of a religion as even without it you could enjoy the whole story but I felt writing it as most of readers are kept in suspense about the cheats of MC till the end, which I dislike for this story as it is about growth, adventure, and family spirit rather than a campaign against a Dark Lord and for this readers shall focus on present rather than past.

That's it. Thanks for reading my thoughts till here.


A light pillar appeared in a desolate place where only stillness and eerie silence exist since inception of time. From it, appeared a silhouette of a male figure which was brought a slight distraction in this mundane realm and this person was Ex Primordial God of Universe X01 Rudra. In his quest to find a good place to rest he reached to only place where it could be possible atleast that's what he thought.

He looked around and saw only a wide grassland with no sun as whole sky was Red in colour instead. Beside this queer phenomenon another one was that when he strained his eyes beyond the horizon he found a area exact opposite to this place, as it was completely dried up with no sign of life. He was brought back to his current situation when he heard a Unisexual Mechanical sound talking to him via his mind.

*Beep* Hello user no. 1753845, welcome to plane of legacy, a land developed by Fate God to find the true successor to the laws of universe. Please fill up your name and choose your gears as have 5 minutes before the beginning of your trial. And as far as entry fees refund is concerned we can only redeem equivalent Infinity Points.

Rudra was bewildered as he spoke "That's just too little time for briefing and you are also circumventing various topics atleast tell me about this trial and why should I do it, and where is my companion a crimson ball should have been come before me."

*Beep* Responding to User No. 1753845. You are not authorised to know such information. To know the same please buy the information from The Store.

Rudra was amused by this reaction and thought 'Okay so authority does exist here it means that above a Automata like you there is someone more powerful presiding over all this game. Interesting this is the first time I have heard about Fate God or successor of Laws as far as i know laws are cultivated not gained as a destiny.' After organising his thoughts he spoke "If you are not capable of answering this query please just deduct it from my points and also tell me higher level information about this place. I reckon that I have a lot of them if they are based on my Fate Points."

*Beep* Affirmative.... You have 2,600,100,000 Infinity Points. Processing the Order...50,000 IP points consumed, remaining Infinity Points: 2,600,050,000... Last user appeared in the trial was Ms. Jennette, a necromancer from Universe 9752AZ, 3.754 Million Years ago. The Beta Project does not know about mechanics of Fate God but as per the general higher tier knowledge, laws are indeed cultivated by Supreme Beings but they are limited by Law of Origin. In Multiverse, because of conflicting origins laws vary and if you are capable of succeeding laws from this trial you will not be limited by the limits of universe. The Successor will be able to roam multiverse unhindered and unabridged by such restrictions and will be able to save time from recultivating laws once again. Till now no successor has been obtained, hence you can choose any of the trial but beware that the choice can not be changed. Extra Information: As per your destiny Law of Time is preferable one but it is not available as of now so next best will be Law of Life as you have 12.7% chance to obtain it...Thanks for your patronage.

Rudra felt that all his points went into a abyss, totally wasted as he said "Event if it sounds good I don't need to attend the trial and if that's all please let me roam around to look for my companion before I can leave this place. I am not in need of these trials and it would be good for both is us if we follow our own path. Can you make this request to your supervisor on my behalf and also tell me it's cost."

*Beep* Affirmative... Trial Postponed. 10,000 Infinity Points deducted. Request of User No.1753845 is being processed to Fate God please wait for his response.. Till then would you like to look at your information tab?

Rudra agreed "Well, we have to spend our time before we can act so yes I would like to see what you can offer me as I would like to get my Fate Points back if there is nothing interesting here. And Ah. Put Rudra as my name."




Name: Rudra

Class: Adjudicator

Age: 0 (Soul: >1 Billion Years)

Power Level: Apex God Being

Title: Destroyer. Snake Charmer. Destined...*Error*

Shop: *Error*

Trial: *Error*





Rudra raised his eyebrows in surprise as he saw all this information, especially error part as it was first time he saw something calling him Destined as even if he has wonderful mastery over Fate Law he is still a old school person believing in That Efforts Makes The Man not some external force. As he was surprised the area around him distorted as a a pair of hands could be seen extended and pulling apart the veils of space from other side. They were surely belonging to a female as they were petite and slim, not crude and harsh like males. It was milky white and even if they were struggling they were rather elegant but our hero find it as cute.

As he was feeling so much stimulated after so many eons, he can not help get curious " Now, What is going on over here?"

*Beep* *Error* Code AZ7 Initiated. Lockdown commenced. Please... staaay caaaalmmmm wwhile wwweeee..... solllvvvee itttt.... .

As Beta System shut down, lady across the space reached in front of Rudra. She was gorgeous. Her fiery hair waved like life giving flames, creating happy and cheery aura around her. She was perfectly sculpted, white skin which was not all pale as it contains perfect pink contrast, oval face, arched eyebrows, and her bizzare golden eyes added to her charm and made her above your usual fairies. She appeared exhausted as her whole body had a healthy blush which added a little exotic smell to the environment as if flowers are blooming around the a ea. She calmed herself while arranging her crimson colour one piece dress over her hourglass body and stared at Rudra's face before her lush pink cupid shaped lips parted and formed a perfect smile as dimples added to her beauty while even her eyes smiled in happiness.

Without waiting for any response from him she jumped like a kitten and snuggled near his chest as she hugged him fiercely. "At last!!! Master you don't know how much I wanted to do this. You really smell good, you know. *Sniff* so manly and pure completely like what I imagined. But sorry I was not here to greet you as I had to wait till that mugger had been silenced." She distanced herself as she didn't wanted to overdraw her Master's patience. She continued while being excited "Humph, I have been waiting for this moment to smack the face of that Fatty God but nonetheless to get to kill his bitch is also a good way to reduce my stress. Ah. Master why are you standing still in a trance. Lookey lookey here and find out who this gorgeous, heavenly, picturesque diva is. Hehehe~~ Who knows winner can get some private time with this session"

But being a insensitive and dumb brat, Rudra said nonchalantly "Kal Agni stop playing around and clarify what is going around."

Poor girl screamed while hearing such a bad name"No I dont have this name!! and I actually cant believe your naming sense how can you name me like this. While i was indeed in a form of fire, I could have obtained a much better name like Hestia, Kauket, Amaterasu, or even Hot Lady but why this wierd name and ...WAIT WHY ARE YOU SO CALM AFTER SEEING ME IN THIS FORM!!!"

Rudra replied as if it was just a matter of fact while facepalming her"Only you can call me master here and with fire looming around you while breaking the space I can only think of a mischievous sentient fire. But still your appearance is... indeed out of my expectations"

Girl ignored his seemingly rude answer and replied in a jolly voice "Hehehe, I can atleast get one win from this silly master. Yeah I finally achieved one more lifetime goal today. Fufufu, today is most happiest day of my life."

Rudra said while also ignoring her reply "Ahem, it could be better if you could keep yoir monologue to your thoughts only. It is literally broadcasting across the whole plan."

Girl panicked as she hurriedly replied "Eekk, bad master, you could have told me this previously I have made fool of myself infront of all....Ah, here is this option. Here it's done. So master we shall now discuss most pressing matter."

Rudra nodded while saying "I agree lets discuss about our current situation. I believe that among all the probabilities only thesr five are most suitable for our predicament. First-"

But girl crossed her arms in a X shape "No master!! Most pressing matter is my name, gice me a proper humane name which could represent my out of universe beauty."

Rudra replied "I don't see it as a pressing matter from any angle....Are you feeling any discomfort after changing into this form. Lets take a few minutes rest before moving forward." And he floated and got into meditation position while shutting of all his senses and focusing on his soul state only in order to get some rest too. Today was indeed a hectic day for him.

But he was not able to enjoy meditation for more than a minute as someone started shaking him while clutching his shoulders in a rough painfull manner.

Girl said in a angry voice "Argh, I am done with you!! YOU SMELLY MASTER!! How can you sat that i have some screw loose. Do you see me as a idiot only."

Rudra was shocked and absentmindedly replied "I didn't say any of these things."

Girl denied his stance"No you did, how can you say i have any mental problem in my new form. Are you going to call me retard as well. *Sob* *Sob* My Master called me idiot.*Sob*"

Rudra simply replied with hollow eyes "..Once again, I didn't say any of these things."

But how could girl could not take the chance to trouble him more "Sniff Sniiff. I am such a poor girl who is tormented by this sadist master."

Rudra felt lost and thought 'Now I am a sadist. Now is the time to use those Divine Commandments Yahweh tought me. Commandment No.1 Just listen and accept your mistake even if you are not wrong'

He replied "I am sorry" He took the girl into his embrace as she sobbed and kept on hitting on his chest weakly while adding even more titles to our hero as she felt happy that she got one over him once again, she had many grudges against his unemotional answers "Bad Master, Smelly Master, Sadist Master..."

Rudra replied with a slightly warm tone "Are you alright now."

But girl asked him another question "...This is the first time you initiated a physical contact between us, isnt it."

Rudra merely said "Yes, it is."

She asked another question "...*Cough* Is there any girl you like"

Rudra felt a little strange but replied "There are two but i don't understand your point."

She knew the answer but still felt 'Shocked' at his casual acceptance as she said in a fake anger " You Lecher!! How can you do immoral things of flirting with girls when you already like others. Tell me who they are I will tell them all the things you did with me so that they can 'stay away' from lecher like you" 'And stay with me only. Mwahaha..'

Rudra felt that conversation was going sidetracked but still replied seriously "I dont recall doing anything which can be called as immoral by others. But nonetheless, one is called Genesis, my sister, and other is called Lilith, my student. They are the only woman who can come near me so they are only one I allowed in my realm, back in home. So i like them but I dont recall it as being immoral. Hmm. I have to study about morality more it could have been changed in these years."

The Girl acted in surprise and asked another question "Eh? Really? What about your wife? Surely, a billion year old hulk you should have quite a huge batch of girls in your beck and call."

Rudra felt that he is participating in a philosophical debate as of now, but he still replied "No I didn't have a wife as it was impractical for my job and i dont feel any attractions toward any genders."

She was shocked and fidgeted a little "Okayy...Then Are you interested"

Rudra sighed "No, I said genders. I was born asexual and without some emotions too. I believe that you already knew as you could have learnt about it in my soulscape."

The Girl said with a self justifying tone "I was only a thought before entering into The Land of Trials. But really you were like this from the beginning. Hahaha, now i get it why are you single even after leaving your home. Now i get it why there is so much yang inside you that it became yang origin orb, it was not cultivation technique but a natural occurance. Jackpot!!"

Rudra was having question marks around him as he asked "Jackpot?? Well whatever, now what should i name you, and instead why dont you tell me your real name instead?"

Perplexed The Girl replied him in a low sad tone "I don't.. remember it. I was trapped in a prison since my birth and for so much time that many of my memories are completely obsolete. Thats why you will name me!! And beside a maid should have a name bestowed by their master itself. Hmm. Yeah that's how it should be done."

Rudra asked "Wait a minute, whats a time shard and when did you became a maid."

But she didn't budge at all"Don't divert our talk to other direction mister, dont waste anymore time we have a lot of things to do. Move your gears faster."

Rudra was now really tired and felt that saving a Universe is much easier that interacting with Girls 'It was you who is wasting our time and you are now saying all these thinga to me now. Surely Women are dangerous beings, their level of adaption can not be matched by males at all. Now what should be her name.

Her hair are crimson red.

Her skin is slight pink with a healthy blush right parts. She is what called as Goddess by the public.

Her womanly assets are complete and well proportionate, while this is common for all goddesses her body is much more natural as if she was born like this instead of cultivating the essence of nature and her 5.6 Inch hight is right balance too.

Her waist is also slim. But her legs are a tad longer than usual norm...this can be considered a plus point as she could run faster... Yes indeed a great thing.(Author: MC is dumb in this regards as higher beings would rather fly, he is just making excuses for his interest in her body as evem if he is sees her legs as sexy he will not admit it.)

Poor nameless girl blushed a little as she saw a half naked male god scrutinizing her body. She knew that he was doing it as if a appraiser does for the art and not for the matter of attraction. But still her heart couldn't help skip some beats and making a drum driven melody when her imagined what would have happened if it was otherwise. She imagined him taking some 'proctive actions' but quickly shook off those thoughts as her impossible desires, atleast for now.

Rudra replied "..I am a bit conflicted here so i am giving uon the final discision to you. Your face can be considered beautiful, even in god's standard. While your body is unique in its own, it is not a unique thing. But your valvety crimson hair are one of a kind along with the colour of your fire and your inner self is like a crimson sun which is flaring across all the time since existence. So names which i picked are Rowan, Ruby, and Suri. And if you can be fine with name of a angel then Uriel."

While Rudra completed his words nameless girl was facing torrents of emotions while listening to his sometime rant and sometimes flowery speech. Heck, she even started chant to unleash her hellish fire and puniah him for badmouthing her, even if he thought her as a little above average beauty he could have atleast given her fale praise as most beautiful in atleast one universe. But at the end her emotions stabilized as she felt his honest thinking was unique in itself, as she refused to acknowledge her rising blush when she heard 'His' Sun. She was now deadly sure to initiate her plans as she decided to make him change his descision of destroying hiassoul as she felt rising greed inside her telling her to save his soul from this kind of end and make him hers. Even if not only hers but first one to conquer this anomaly.

She appeared as if she was not interested at all "Ahem. All of them are fine but not Uriel as i dont want to share name with a lower being."

Rudra accepted her thoughts as everyone have their own pride and feelings "Hmm. That's good as I also don't want to give you name of a person killed by my own hands one time."

She sighed for the first time after listening to his words "Then why did you even give me such a suggestion. Sigh, you decide for me. I just want your decision. You have to take a decision like this too. Don't be so indecisive, we connected with eachother via soul and even if our master servant relationship ends we would still be connected like this. Then decide."

Rudra said with enough curtsey "Is that so. I am sorry if you felt like this. Hmmm. Then Rowan is your name."

Her eyes twinkled with happiness as she said "Hehe. So you named me Rowan...But it is meant by."

Rudra bemoaned "What you don't know? Then why did you accept it what would have happened if i had givem you a wierd meaning name."

She says while shaking her pretty lean for finger in denial "Hut hut hut. So boring. This is called Suspense, my dear master. You should also learn to enjoy the unknown."

Rudra simply shrugged "...Well, whatever. It means Little Red One"

She replied in a strange tone"Oh, so it means Little Red One. Little... How can you give me with such a name, I can't go outside with this type of name... But wait.."

Rudra simply choosed next best alternative "Ok i choose Ruby then"

She interrupted him "I said wait, master let me think a bit."

'Its not bad if we use this name in private as many time we have to change our names in future and after a few times it will become normal too. A good way to establish our privacy. Yosh, lets do it.'

Then She, sorry, Rowan replied while making a face as if she accepted a painful labour "Okay Master Rowan is fine as being a servant how can i say no to you."

Rudra became amused this time "I am saying once again, you are not my servant. And also I have no problem with Ruby too."

She denied nonchalantly "No you don't understand this is called fate. Yes this is called fate now i am stuck with this name till eternity so you better take responsibility okay and remember this name even if you forget yours ."

Rudra shoved his arm upwards in protest "Okay okay I take an oath to remember your name till eternity. Now tell me what's happening here."

She said"Humph, who are you talking to. Didnt your sister tought you to add names while talking."

Rudra Sighed one of the thousands one he released today "Sorry..Rowan, now tell me what's happening and what is this place."

She merrily said "Yes that's a good boy.Now let me answer your questions. First, you completed the trial of strength in the old temple and got the ticket to participate in the trial made by old geezer. But why should you do it. You are my companion not a stray god, even Void Emperors shall bow infront of you as you are my chosen one so I rweaked the rules a little and viola, here we are talking without any rude interruption. For the second question, Hmm. As i said this is a land of trial but it is actually a prison. So yes this place is a prison for those who enter here as there is no going back."

Rudra replied "I got the gist of it. I reckon that you will tell me all the things like why uou wven know this in future. I would instead kill myself rather than being used by others. I would rather use all my Fate to damage whole of this area instead of allowing either you or some Fate Hod using them." 'I mean for one sentence of information I have to spend around 50,000 of Fate Points. Thia is costly even more than a Devil's bargain. But maybe, I should send Lucifer for internship of few years at this place.'

While Rowan was showing a sad tired face her inner mind was jumping with joy 'Kukuku, thats the Rudra I know, just wait for all of you who stole my rights. Me and my master,.. not master but future hubby will wreck you so bad that you will piss whenever you hear about us. And my brothers and sisters, Humph, I will show you who is the Final BOSS!!'

She replied in a sad tone "I am sorry Master if you felt that i am deceiving you vut what i am proposing will also benefit you. Even if you don't believe my words you can know my emotions as we are already linked with eachother for eternity. Fufufu"

Rudra simply replied "I got it the first time i came into contact with you. So don't keep on saying these lines again and again, they are irritating me. I just know the fact that this is the only place where I am not connected with outside world and my only wish is to reach Moksha rather than rebirth and I would achieve this goal no matter what."

Rowan continued to note his words in her mind while asking "So master tell me what will happen to me and that pesky pet you got. You know that we will also die if you kill yourself. And even if that snake is spared and even if i am escaped from this type of death but what about mm... others who wants you to exist. Your descision is wrong it is only harmfull to those around you and I have not seen you doing any unjust for millions of years we were together. Hear my alternate first before deciding about the path you want to walk."

Rudra answered "I am bounded by karma even here. Sigh, Okay i shall hear you in exchange of our relationship of past but don't question my judgement later. What i choose will be final, Rowan "

She hugged him fiercely in happiness and gave a peck on his cheek causing our Dumb Hero to blush slightly as who can keep calm when one is hugged by a goddess, heck even saints and brothers killed others for a beauty's favour so our logical MC is not an exception here but sadly he don't know what are these feelings even when he is the one who slays ignorance. (Author: A heads up, just like all virgins Rudra also learned and saw the deed but he got no reaction beside slight burning up of his body. So when in future Grant will be tought Dual Cultivation techniques dont call foul play. Knowledge don't have any restriction but requires only desire to learn. Hahaha)

She said while cuddling him "Thank you thank you for giving me this chance."

Rudra replied awkwardly as he salvaged this situation "Ahem, my auditory functions are working quite well so can you mind hugging so fiercely."

She pouted while making circles on his chest "Master, You are so boring. I remember once again why are you a Billion Years old Virgin Boy."

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and used force to establish distance between them before getting serious. "Speak"

She didn't mind it at all as if it never happened and changed from playfulness to seriousness almost matching his.

"Master in this plane we are cut off from existence. This is the only one of place in existence where no one can appear with out permission of the owner. The Tomv where we met was similar one but it was only containing law of Time where as this place contains other two laws. I actually lived here before I rebelled and got seperated from my family resulting in creation of Ancient Graveyard where no laws exist as without Law of Time balance can not exist. So as you could infer, I am actually in incarnation of Law of Time but unlike Law of Death and Life I am not the only one incarnation but among the 12 incarntions. I don't know who did it but, Time Spark was divided into 12 Equal parts and was sent to roam across the reality but among them I was forced to occupy position of Law of Time in Infinity Core. And this Land of Trial is also called as Infinity Realm which was a prison made by Fate God for what not reasons as he felt that we were too powerful, especially us, Time Lords, as we like to call ourselves. But when he decided to trap Time Spark it divided into 12 parts and only i remained trap here as I was the first one and remained in his hand. Those maggots even dared to sacrifice their elder sister as of it was most natural thing and they fled!! They left me here all alone as only I was sentient for i don't know how many times before finally those girls awoken and I got the chamce of escape. Then when those girls used their powers ro leave they were also restricted but then i led them to divert all of our power in the place near time spark as it was the weakest link as i was used to spent all my frustrations there. Later when we created a hole inside our prison a huge explosion took place and you know what we see, we saw only destruction but that geezer was always a shrewd one and the place started gealing itself as that fucking inanimate sound ordered our capture but i was not a fool this time so I escaped while those twins were captured again. Hey!! Whats with those eyes there is a beautiful lady here not a vermin!!"

Rudra gave a sidelong glance "Tsk. What do you want me to do then, you were smiling remembering your escape while dooming two childs atleast con a adult if you do want to do it. I believe that you losing your human form was instead a curse rather than your story."

She coughed awkwardly to cover her embarassment "*Cough* It was a necessary sacrifice, Okay. I also didn't wanted that but only one could have escaped and i won the ticket. Anyways, later while I roamed the multiverse i saw many places and learned many techniques but i focused on my Time powers instead, I even found Punishing Flame, one of the Origin Fires. But my short vacation was ended when that old geezer played me to be cought in another prison where I met you. And then here are we in the Infinity Realm and while you were interacting with that Bitch I got access to the Infinity Core and broke the connection. You know this is where you can praise me!!"

Rudra replied rather lazily this time "...Okaayy, but how can this amount to alternative in my situation as per you even your fate god can not see what happens here then this is the best place to free myself from this pain called life and death."

Rowan got shivers from his words "Hold on your sucidal thoughts a bit, can you. Now I get it why most of the times Overachievers do suicide as compared to us, lazy ones. Surely grass is not greener on the other side. *Cough* So hear me, as you know Fate God can not monitor this place now but your Fate Points were already absorbed and converted into Infinity Points so you don't have any kind of influence of fate as of now. You can not be burdened from now, whether you kill a innocent person who will wreck destruction later in advance or when you save a princess she will not roam around you as a bee as you will get Infinity Points instead of Fate Points."

Rudra was now interested "Surely a interesting topic. But it is not useful for me now it wouldn't have better if the same could have been implied to Eden Fiasco. I believe hat there is some other information which you wants to share with me."

While Pouting Angrily Rowan answered "Why don't you let other person play Detective Game while you keep on doing the same to others. Smelly Master!!"

He smiled slightly and relented to her request "Okay I am sorry. Detective Rowan please tell me your final deduction."

Rowan "Humph, Watson now you understand your position."

Rudra curiously asked "What is Watson?"

She held a poker face and told him with uninterested voice "Oh, he is a great detective who is not only skilled in martial combat bit also in arts of healing. Just like you a Hero to others."

He felt enlightened as he said "I would have met such a saint in past. It seems I have to add one more regret to my list."

Rowan continued "Ahem, now where we are... Ah, listen do you know about how mortals reproduce."

Rudra answered this basic answer "By the act of Mating."

Rudra got frustrated by his answer "No dummy!! It is due to DNA. You truly don't know about mortals at all."

Rudra is the one who replied in anyone of self justice "Don't blame me I am born from Primordial Core not from a mother so I am not well verse in interacies of mortals. So I assume that this DNA will help me here "

She replied haughtily "Bingo, Watson you are clearly learning my ways much faster than expected. Since you waant to die, no problem just die, but after I record your physique and memories into a Double Helix DNA. That DNA will be most powerful bloodline with you as progenitor. After your death I will take your soul and send it for cleansing and rebirth process in other universe. While doing so I will not be your servant but instead a conpanion who is insperable by ways of soul and I will also release that punk from your Soul Realm during the years. While your soul will be heavily sealed your descendents will have to earn Fate Points to unlock the soul of Primordial as this task need atleast 1,000,000 of FP. So how does this sounds. I am not denying your wish but only doing what Gods of Death do, I will only guide you to otherlife where you will be mortal with no memories of past. A new person altogether."

Rudra replied "Hmm. I have various doubts but it is indeed a good plan. Not only my wish will be completed but my descendents could also exist just like others. Okay go with your plan but clarify one thing. I am okay with releasing Aku in advance but why would you insist to keep bound with me."

While having a poker face, Rowan said "Nothing to monitor only. I will act as a guardian angel so that no insects can bug your descendents in future" 'Ofcourse, how can I let my future Hubby in care of puny Mortals. Humph, mortal skanks are atbest self proclaimed fairy. I will not let any of them near you until we marry as it is okay to have one or more cucumbine. Your descendents may curse me but so what, All is just in love and war.'



"You do know that your monologue was broadcasting once again."

"Eh, impossible!! Tell me it is not true!!"

Rudra answered "Okay, Okay I was just having a little payback from your teasing. I didn't listed anything."

But she was not convinced as she feared her planning has been revealed "Are you saying truth??"

He said justly "Yes I am. I am a God who punishes liar specially."

She was facepalmed once again as she rebuked "But you lied yourself just now!!"

He just shrugged his shoulders "It was called a Prank not lie as it didn't have any ill intentions behind it. And also i also wanted to tease Little Red one a little bit. Your face was marvelous. Hahaha."

She was dumbstruck, completely stunned. Not due to the fact that this Dumb Hero was using logic even in jokes but due to the fact that she saw a face of him which have been seen only by five other people in whole multiverse. She imagined his smile various times but reality blew her out. While she claimed that her flame mode was only a thought it was just a lie. She witnessed him she felt him for all these years. At first she considered him as a lofty arrogant king who sees world in Black and White only but acrosss the times she witnessed how he helped other silently without any reward. She witnessed his fight with a young Void Duke who wanted to Devourer a young planet just because of the fact that a small mortal girl who belonged to a civilisation which didn't even invented their own proper language as she wished for help as someone was threatening her family's garden while led him to reach to whole planet's rescue. She even saw vestiges of his memories as they were under a seal whoch she could not break completely in her old form. She felt his anger when betrayed and grief and self hatred when he learned that his chains harmed his close ones. She cried when those who were saved by him were the ones who made a criminal out of him, calling him 'Demon God' while shivering in fear of future if their plan failed. But most momentous memory was that when he was actually forces to retire from his own home. His own sister was forced to retrieve his Core as she watched him fall to the ranks of A newborn God with shaky fundamentals, she was angry and called her bitch for a whole night when she suggested him Void Cultivation Manual for 1 Billion Fate Points. Heck, with this price he could have even ruled a whole universe, where does the this basic cultivation manual stand as she didn't know that that Cultivation Manual was much more complex than that and its cost was too enormous that Genesis has to procure balance from him as by doing so she also erased his reluctance to accept her gift. But who can calm a angry woman, she did eventually gained her calm when she felt her target's calmness in situation. He was like a ocean still calm bit containing devastating power to destroy all the things in existence. He stood straight like a proud spear, ready to battle at any short moment of notice as if nothing can sway him. He silently bid goodbye to others while ignoring tge destruction of his legends which could have other person to becone insane as all of tgose who have comprehended Fate Law knows tgr importance of reputation. Even a bloodthirsty devil has to becone a saint to increase his or her Fate or Destiny or else they would have become a jumpstart for some Child Of Destiny's legend itself. Later she saw him roaming soullessly but all this meaningless roaming stopped when he got his desired reward i.e Emotions and free will and with this he once again started to make a new legend, vut tgis time not as a hero but as a Famous Adventurer who is respected all across the Endless Void.

She empathaszed with him and felt all the changes inside him as her own as she enjoyed his company. And since even enemies become friends after this long period of time her feelings for him blossomed and thus she started helping him as much as she can. She was devastated when she got to know about his Sucidal thoughts as his whole life was just a fraction for her she cursed him as a coward but later accepted his descision as she also felt a void inside him which couldn't be fulfilled by himself and she herself could not help him emotionally as she waa a tool for destruction only. But she got the answee when they reached the Ancient Graveyard ad she led him to the Infinity Realm where she can solve all yhe problems, atleast this is what she hoped.


Rudra asked once again while looking at a portal with no vision of what is inside available to him "So I have to go inside this place?"

Rowan answered "Yes just go and attain Moksha or whatever after that I will pick up your soul and send it to some universe for rebirth. By tge way Master, do you havw any request regarding your descendents future."

Rudra thought a little before saying "I have only one that they can enjoy feeling of family as I always felt it that I was deprived from it and also make sure that they are not immortal or something, their age should reach Maximum of 1Million Years till whole of the Primordial Essence is released from my soul. But I still don't understand why do you need to wait to unlock the soul. You could use your power to do so easily."

She sighed "Master here you are misinterupting a basic fact that I will not remain as powerful as I am. When you will die your soul will lose mkst of the essence and hence I will also lose my powers but I will mitigate it somehow by using Infinity Points. Please allow me to use your Infinity Points as they are needed to spend before your death."

He nodded "Okay, use it however you like... Well its time goodbye."

Rowan panicked a little while thinking that she lost a chance of iconic lovey dovey goodbye scene as she saw in many movies made by mortals "Hey!! Wait, wait a minute. Dummy master don't you have anything to say to me. Atleast a gooodbye kiss or something like those dramas. In this scene you should have geld me tightly and calming me instead of acting as if you are going to a nearby general store."

His lips twitched in a slight disgust "No here you are the who is acting beyond the norm. Just treat it like a flow of wind and do what you like. You can use all those points for your purpose." But then he looked towards her and saw here aad face as she was going to cry if he says anymore rude things like this. He knew that she was not serious or even if she was he would have ignored it but when his goal was within his grasp he grew impatient. Realising his state and fault he patted her gead while saying in a calm steady tone "I am sorry for this. Lets do this. Since you are going to sacrifice so much for me and also for the inconveniences caused by my selfish desire I grant you one wish from me or my future descendents. But it should not be harmful to them and should be achievable."

She widened her eyes in surprise "Really?? I can ask for anything."

He said in rather serious fashion this time "Yes but within limits"

But she was still not so sure "But what if they refused to honour it. You know that I will be stuck in that way"

He replied while smiling subtly at her cute response "Easy, I will put up a seal on me which will ve owned by you and if they refuse to honour your wish then you can deal with them appropriately and it will continue untill it is not fulfilled. Now is it clear?"

She replied enthusiastically with a angelic smile "Yah!! I knew Master is best!! Hehehe I will make a wish which will be benefit for both of us."

He nodded while moving inside the grey portal while waving his hand in goodbye and ending his era.

Not knowing that this casual talk of his plagued his descendants with the curse of impotency as a little devil kept them pure before eating the 12th One in one single go.