Chapter 5: Awakening (2/2)

"We finally meet 'My King'"

As the sound of a set of foot landing on ground lightly filled the all the corners, mist exploded, allowing all present to grace his presence.

The man had a ethereal aura around him. His white frosty hair kept danced gently even when Grant himself was covered in cold dust with disheveled hairs. His mesmerizing red eyes were shining like two little rubies.

He was wearing white suit from top to bottom, completed with white and golden shoes.

His body was ripped to perfection. With non existent body fat he had a physique which could be adorned only by The Olympian Gods. His milky rose skin can be beaten by only Fairies of Swarga Lok. Standing at 6 Feet 5 Inch like a spear with iron like shoulders, he looked down, towards Grant.

Grant was not stunned anymore, only emotion seen in his eyes was, 'Envy'!

The Celestial man had his face, he had a slightly higher pitch tone but it could have been obtained if he would have trained his vocal cords. He walked around him, brandishing his image in his deepest memories, only to find this image to be too familiar to him.

It was the image he wanted to be, which he still wants to become instead of being a weak and scrawny male he is in present. It was his own ideal image!

Setting aside his prejudice he said "...You clearly know how to make a entry, don't you."

"Please don't praise me for this, this is all thanks to your guidance, you yourself imagined it when you were in your First Year of High-school. It was quite imaginative, I thought about many types of dynamic entry before remembering it"

"You know, you would have been more realistic if you didn't have that smirk on your face."

Hearing this, the White Grant grinned even more.

Seeing his actions, Grant felt something budding inside him, a primal urge, a primal urge to demolish, destroy, and annihilate everything which don't conform to his designs.

Just as the urge intensified he lost his rationality, he raised his hand and smacked the smiling handsome White Grant with a crackling slap. But surprisingly, White Grant didn't stop smiling even after that. He didn't even move under this attack, but kept smiling.

Moreover, his eyes even shined, as if he was a parent appreciating his child's achievement.

Grant was also stupefied as he kept looking at his own hand. He didn't even thought of slapping him but something made him do so and strangely, he got satisfaction from this act, a satisfaction which he felt after so many years.

But he also understood his action, he felt guilty about this. As he moved his lips to apologize, a white porcelain like finger shushed his mouth. He would have preferred if the opposite party was a fair maiden instead, but alas, reality creeped hell out of him.

With goosebumps on his arms raised like spear of wars, he backed off with horror and kept rubbing his lips to remove any possible trace of this... blasphemy!

While praying to his ancestors for giving him power enough to escape the seduction he kept on mumbling incomprehensible things.

He was a Saint after all!! A being vowed to never lose his chastity, atleast in this life.

As Grant was self occupied with purifying his thoughts from perversion, White Grant clapped two times.

Two chairs and a table appeared in the space. All of them were wooden furnished with intricate flower designs. He sat silently on one chair while reading a report with spectacles, both of which materialised out of thin air. Grant collected his thoughts, kept himself from getting blown out, and understood one point: Whatever happening in his life is way out of ordinary and unknown for him and out of his control. But it is the only chance to kick-start his lukewarm life!

He nodded and sat infront of this white sparkling man with a tinge of envy and a sense of defeat while looking at his own appearance, lamenting his own creativity which helped something else to become more than necessary beautiful.

Breaking him out of his reverie, White Grant started speaking first.

"We have only a few minutes for our talk as you are recovering from the comma as we are speaking.

Since they say you are part of Supernatural mumbo-jumbo from now, they didn't even think a second before treating you with top priority. But I also believe that my interference was one of the reason which streamlined your recovery, so Congratulations."

"Don't tell me that I was in comma for one year this time too."

"Haha, relax, you went into comma due to overdrafting your mental energy this time, you can say your brain went into overdrive this time while your body was facing stress in quick succession. You stayed in a ICU ward for a week before transferring into a specialised hospital. Only twelve days have passed since that accident."

"It means that I am already 24 by age then what about that invader."

"I don't know about that as I can only interact within you not outside. You will have to deal with it yourself. Ofcourse I will also help."

"Help? I will be more assured to obtain help from you instead of a outside strength."

"Ah, what makes you think that I am not also one of your outside list. I could be one of their agent also ."

"About that...I also don't know, Hahaha. But I am quite comfortable with having you around me.

And since you have already started with this I want to know something out of you Mr. Casanova, tell me what are you and what's this place is"

"So we are skipping all pep talk huh. Why not talk some more with poor me, I didn't have a good conversation partner for years."

"Yes, it seems so, you yourself told me that we have few minutes. Let's keep it brief, shall we.


Tell me what you are and what your objective is and also what's going on with this place, I have not heard anyone getting access to a place of memories like this."

"Tch...asking sensitive question like this right away. You are not interesting at all that's the reason she left you."

"Thank you for this complement. But I follow my own code, better be a bore then being a betrayed one."

This time White Grant shook his head sadly before looking in deep brown eyes of Grant "But what if all that was a farce, a illusion, a cover-up for something else. We have seen, after all these years, something are not what they looks like."

Not perturbed by the pressure which wanted to seek out answer from depth of his soul Grant continued "Yeah, it was a illusion. But not that event, reality can not be disillusioned but her care and affection could be.

Every one of her action cringe me even now when I think about it."

White Grant smiled bitterly "You do accept that you still think about her."

Grant stared for quite awhile before moving away his gaze "...If we are going to talk about my relationship history then we can wait for it later. I am more concerned about my present and future, than my past."

"Hmm, that's also good for me. So tell me what you want to know."

"I already told you but still let me summarise. First, tell me what is this place."

White Grant swept his eyes across the whole black sparkling place before answering "This place. Well...even I don't know what to call it. Since when I was born, it was always like this, always shining and sparkling. I first named it Soul, Atman or whatever spiritual space recorded by you, but then as I researched more and finally now I call it Mind Field."

Grant had a thoughtful expression and seemed to discover answer to some of his queries by this answer only "Mind Field. Is this a projection of Nervous System or something similar."

"No, this place is not a projection. It is where your master control reside. I can control many things, that's the only thing I can tell you about."

"You do know that your words are lacking substance."

"Yeah, I do. So what?"

"...Do you enjoy teasing me. I mean, from the moment I laid my eyes on you it has not stopped twitching."

"Yes, but it's not my fault. You are just so easy to tease with especially when you can not hide your emotions. And I am not the only one with thought like this."

"Sigh...You won this time. I will not ask you what you can control. But tell me this instead, what are you?"

"I am your friend!"

This time Grant was on the verge of loosing his cool with blue veins appearing on his temple area "... Please! Elaborate!"

"Hey don't get mad. You are looking as if you will eat me in a second. It's scary.

What I said is true and just, I am your friend, that too most closest and bestest one. Your Inner Mind, or your inner Persona to be more appropriate word. I am what you desire to be. I become what you want to be. I am just as formless as water, I change my flow as you desire."

"So tell me my bestest friend. Where were you during all these years."

"I was always inside you, sorting your memories. Sealing undesired memories, maintaining your mental health and other miscellaneous things which you may not want to hear about with such less time."

Grant was baffled this time as his eyes sparkled, resembling a disturbing doctor of mental hospital "What you say is the work of Unconscious Mind instead. Don't tell me you are it itself!

I have not heard someone getting access to it conciously. Oh man, I surely got a jackpot this time! Alas if I could have controlled it with thoughts only, I would have become a billionaire with this type of... treasure."

"Hahaha, you also feel it don't you. When I got controls I also thought of making you a rich man, like you desired in past. Rich enough to live in his own mansion, super car, and bunch of partners. But it is just a short term benefit. Why waste something like Nuke to destroy a small shed if a grenade could do much cleaner and better job.

You asked me why I didn't help you like this or even contact you. Reason was simple, I waited for formation of your personality. I don't want to deal with a snobbish brat but a reasonable adult, which you barely pass to become one. I am a byproduct of your mind. If you are the driver then I am the electronic control unit of that car."

Grant coughed awkwardly while trying his best to not showing a little bit of shame. He then spoke with a authority of a well known scholar "That is ideed a valid reason. But I reckon that you will not bug my daily life unless something deadly is going on.

While I am facing some strange things it is not my first rodeo with death at all. So what is the occassion now, have i become eligable now or something else"

White Grant praised his prowess to divert the whole situation mentally like a parent, while saying with a unemotional tone "You are somewhat eligable as of now. But as I can not lie to you, atleast here, truth is that...your Heritage will soon be awakened. Did you not think, if I have Master Control then how could something foreign could have taken control over you. The so called Susan or what ever it was, also tried to invade Mind Field but I covered it up and it got superficial controls.

And now since you are here I thought, since I agreed to share our control with others, why not share with you too. Each control can be considered as a Superpower, ranging from Super Senses to Super Memory to Super Berserk Mode.

Every time you fulfil requirement of a power, I will give you appropriate control."

Grant was excited as he kept on nodding while humming a tune "Damn! That's great. I will be able to use some whacky powers if your words are true but there is no surety that you will honour your agreement.

Give me something to compensate all this trouble I am facing because of your authorarization."

"You do know that you are being unreasonable right now. Tell me how are you even able to survive till now. If they would not have taken control over you, you would have joined the list of diseased."


"No need to justify yourself. Listen you want proof of this agreement, I can not give you something like that but I can give you something to believe me as soon as you wake up. Other power inside you only knows about you, I gave them permission to not only ensure our survival but also to avoid any kind of suspicion. So anything you obtain other than them is result of your talent, this is what you will tell them.

Now go and enjoy the world the way you want to."

As he said that whole world faded with Grant getting fired up with this newfound discovery and power. He did not know what he will get but he was nonetheless enthusiastic about it as who didnt want to become a Super Human in their dreams.


As Grant left the Mind Field White Grant was still sitting on the makeshift office, while gazing at his opposite chair with complicated looks.

After a few moment he laughed bitterly while shaking his head.

"Till the end, I was not able to show him his most precious forgotten memory. While I could easily denounce him as ineligible to see it now, I myself is not ready to let him know all this...'He' also want him to let him enjoy as much as possible. But I also believe that Wheel Of Fate has started spinning. Argh, I hate trouble like this.,"

He snapped his fingers and all of surroundings dissolved into oblivion. As all sparkling orbs faded whole Mind Field became a white canvas, with a big red orb chained in center.

This orb was different than others, it had sentient spirit, a free will. It was restless. It was a big orb towering like a mountain. Strange enough it also contained golden hues in it.

White Grant did not heed to its inconvinience, he went to it. He rubbed it slightly, removing all chains, granting it it's freedom.

It was jubilant for a moment before sulking as if it disliked what he did to it. He only smiled sheepishly while rubbing it with affection. It purred like a cat before transforming into a small stone which flew into his trouser's pocket.

He sighed in relief as his attempt to coax seemed successful this time. He patted his pocket, where stone resided while gazing at never-ending white space saying "I will let you meet him, but it will take time. He is not ready to accept you. Wait for a while as he will be the one who seeks you."