Author Thoughts-1

Hello readers this is your Lazy writer giving sermons now, so buckle up and perk up your rabbit years to listen carefully!!

Oh I forgot that many of you only read not listen on this awesome portal. Such is the lament of unpredictable life, sigh.

This is a completely unnecessary page in regards to story but I wanted to share somethings which I can't share via my story.

And sorry if my words are not making any sense for you!!!


I am quite a fan of fiction like most of humans living on planet earth, just like you, my brothers and sisters. I am not a ardent one but a novice who have not even read many classics in his school, our system is focus on heavy rote learning and I considered them useless as they were not helping me in obtaining good marks. (Shame on past me!!)

I started reading comics and novels once again when I started my internship, no I don't have a art internship I read them in local metro during transit of 6 hrs daily. Then I encountered this website which allowed me to meet many novels and what I obtained as a reader is a little maxim, more you read what others think more you know about yourself. As a introvert who even joined Facebook and WhatsApp in Dec 2018 I got this epiphany that only by exploring I can know more. While many does claim contrary and may even say that walking a thousand miles is better than reading a thousands book, but then Sir I vehemently disagree with your discourse!!

Fast forward to present and after reading so many stories my inner lousy creator stirred up and told me to write, heck I may even say less than page for a whole day when I am studying. So this task became a herculean task for little me and it still is. I thought of a sci fi story for my first project with a tad help of other materials, cough...But later I suddenly wanted to introduce Hindu and other less known Mysticism and mythologies in the eyes of you readers so I ditched my fan fic one.

This project, which you have picked for a reading, is my unworthy attempt to bring a refreshing feeling to you and a possible good change in me. I am a author who is trying his best to be reader first, so please look over any misgivings you see in this project. But don't forget to tap on comment section.

While I respect what Lao Dze said in Tao Te Ching that only by forsaking knowledge and our ambition for greatness we can be one with the Great Tao, I feel a fire inside when a person give me a hello in comments section, which may reach me after a month, sorry for this laziness, I know I am horrible in this regard. The true Instinct of a professional introvert is difficult to remove so early!

This project will have atleast above 100 chapters but about frequency even I don't know. But in exchange chapters will have some meaning. Even a slice of life chapter may contain hidden story. I even created a one shot to hint at the origins of God damn system.




Yours Friendly

Six Path