Reunion of Fate

"Excuse me, Miss... But can you help me get to the nearest exit." he stopped as he was shocked by who the woman was...

He noticed something familiar to the face of the woman, she has those long beautiful ginger hair, and beautiful green eyes which resembles an emerald. She looks at him and stares at him for a moment.

They were both staring at each other as if they knew each other as time passes his mind suddenly remembers something from his past...


"Araza say hello to Amelia" Araza's father said to him as he looked at the little girl's father and they both smiled. Araza was hiding behind his father's legs because he was so shy and isn't good with socializing with people but regardless he waved a 'Hi' shyly as the little girl just waved back a 'Hello' to him. She ran to him and held his arm to come along with her.

They both played at the near playground and was laughing because of pure happiness that both children felt at the moment. They were breathing hard and trying to catch their breath from playing too much. She smiles at him and he does the same to her as they laugh and talked about their day.

After playing at the playground they got home and went their different ways with their fathers. As he looks at her for the last time and now she's walking away with her father.

Two Years Later...

Amelia one of the most powerful knights to ever enroll in this school while he was at the lowest rank. She was amazing for our age and so many people admire her but some do hate her for getting the highest rank. She was now walking beside me and laughing at his jokes, yes he has finally learned to socialize more because of her.

As we sat down in the cafeteria table, we talked about our exams and there he already know that she aced it while he on the other hand barely passed. She giggled as he make those shyly smiles and she would tell him to 'Do your best next time, okay?' she told me and he nods.

"I'm happy that I met you, Araza. I was so lonely inside my own home and the children in my own family were rude to me because..." she stopped talking as tears fell off her cheeks. Araza didn't understand why she was so sad but he does understand being hated by people that he knew before he met her.

"We can get passed this world of hate, Amy" he assured her as she smiles at him and wiping her tears from her cheeks and hugging her so he hugs her back.

And then the attack happened...

They both lost each other and never have they seen each other again...


He looks at her with confusion and sadness as he has grown taller than her. She looks at her and finally her eyes widened from realization that this man...

This man was who she knew from years ago but his physical appearance was more hotter than before she admits and it makes her blush thinking about some dirty thoughts at the moment.

She finally regains focus and walks towards him.

He was still staring at her and finally the realization hits him, the way she walks and the glare of being serious is reminding him of her.

She stops in front of him and finally she remembers everything, she was absolutely in awe on how his looks and physical appearance changed.

He was taller and suddenly she hugs him without any hesitation while Araza was shocked but not too long until he hugs her back.

"You survived, Araza..." she said to him and finally let go of the hug.

He smiles and suddenly all of the pain from his longing body was finally gone, his massive healing ability must have been finished already.

"But I saw you get taken by those creatures. How did you escape them?!" she asked him worrily making him laugh it all and finally looked at her to answer.

"Amy, it's better if you don't know the answer to that." he answered while suddenly being sad for remembering the pain he needed to endure on those Voidling's base.

He just stares at her because of how beautiful she has become.

"Araza, you really are so handsome that I want to squish your cheeks like I did before." she said in a cute voice while he was just laughing and walking backwards as she walks forward threatening him to get his cheeks.

Finally she lets go of her cheeks and looks at both her eyes, she was happy and calm to see him while for him his heart was beating in a fast pace like he never knew why but he once felt this towards her.

"What happened to your hand, why is your arm bleeding?!" she asked him worriedly and he just looks at her and smiled.

Araza just let's go of her hands and held it. She looked at his hands and blushing at the thought of being held by someone she actually loves.

"Don't worry about me, Amy. I'll be fine and besides you know I'm strong." he said while making a joke at the end but she was glaring at him with concern still visible to her face and his face is now an 'Oh no' face. He laughs shyly and she suddenly smiled at him.

They both looked at the person walking in front of them and it was a guy with Black hair and blue eyes. He glares at Amelia as if she did something wrong and there her reaction was suddenly noticed by Araza, she was scared because of him.

"Princess Amelia why are you here with a peasant like him?" the man asked her and she was just shaking from fear... Why is she scared of him to the point that she was suddenly quiet.

"Ah well uhm.. He's my long lost friend that I've been meaning to tell y-" she was slapped before finishing the sentence. Araza was shocked at the revealation how could he do that? How could a man hurt someone like... her?

"What did I tell you, Whore?" he asked her and Araza was exploding on the inside. His anger from before finally shown itself to the man. His left eyes almost turning red from rage, blood-shed tears were falling from his cheeks. He wants to kill this man for hurting a woman and most importantly his WOMAN.

She notices that he was in anger and was shocked as if getting slapped by her fiance was blood boiling to him. She shooks her head and walked out with the prince...

Leaving Araza by himself again...