Defense (Part 1)

Thirty minuter earlier...

People were walking around the entrance making their way to the training rooms, working at their own post and just talking about the future plans of the organization. Looking at the time the employees shift was almost over and was their time to go home.

"Well Jones this is the last of it." said the soldier.

He was helping with carrying the loads of guns that were being unloaded from the truck. As the soldier drop off the last box to the ground he walks to his locker and finally got out of his current uniform and changed to civilian clothes.

He closes the locker door and exits the room. As he locks the backdoor of the building, he felt something moving from behind him and there he quickly behinds him to see nothing.

The surrounding seems to be weird, he felt another presence and it felt like something... Bad is going to happen. He then looks back to the door to see a face with a big smile on it's face and bit his face off. The body falls to the ground and blood gushes out.

"These agents have been alive for far too long, it's time to end this pathetic war and conquer this pathetic war!" said the creature with it's eyes widen in excitement.

The monster started to kill more people, scratching their guts and making their organs gush out of them, and it continued eating them. The alarm then went off making it smirk and came on running to the main entrance of the building.


It looked at the agent, a woman who was wearing a black leather and tactical armor. They were staring off and was waiting on each other on who'll make the first move. The creature then smiled at her, rushes to her and was about to bite the head of the woman.

She jumped onto the side of the room, she then brought out her pistol, and started shooting the monster but to no avail it was not effective for it has a fast regeneration ability. Finally deciding what to use she opened her hand-cannon and shoots the creature in the body.

As the bullet pierced to the creature, it began to shout in agony making her smirk and she continued to shoot it until there was no more of it has left. She stopped firing the gun and looked at the Voidling, it's lower half was the only one left but it was still standing that was weird.

She knew that this wasn't the end of the creature for sure since it can regenerate so fast that it will take at least two minutes for it to heal up and be in one whole piece. So she decided to ran out of there and rushed to warn the other soldiers about the monster they're facing.

The legs of the monster started to regenerate faster than before and it was forming it's body and face. It's eyes now glowing red and the mouth and it formed a big evil grin.

The agent was running as fast as possible to outrun the creature. She saw soldiers preparing their defenses and has their guns pointed at her direction, one of the soldiers opened the caged door and locks it after she entered in it.

She tried to catch her breath and there she said as offered Medical attention but she declined to being treated because she wasn't really injured by the creature. They felt the ground shaking towards them, they heard footsteps too.

They were all in their defensive stance, the people were silent as the monster approaches and all they hear was footsteps. As the silhoutte can be seen in front of them, they began to shoot it without stopping. Turrets being fired, Rifles and Pistols shooting as well and laser canons began firing.

"STOP!" shouted the captain.

Smoke surrounded the place as the soldiers still staring knowing full well that this is not the end. The monster stood up cracking it's own bones and grin evily as it saw... FOOD!

"You all know full well this isn't going to work, right?" the creature stated and continued "My name is Orevalvuhagushavu and I am here to end your useless organization." as it looks at everyone and making its way to the cage.

As planned the Huntress pressed the button and a BIG force fielded cages suddenly appeared infront of the creature. It was trapped from the inside and she commanded everyone to retreat and prepare to the other room. As planned the creature cannot do anything but attack the force field which only hurts it and weakens it.

"It won't hold for long, we must retreat now and go to another room." said the captain and she just nods to her as they both retreat lastly after everyone has.

The creature then grinned and it's eyes beginning to get red as a blood. Making it more angry as time passes by, it's claws are becoming larger and sharp and it's body are enlarging.



"We have fully secured the creature for now, Captain Joseph." said the Huntress.

He nods to her and shouted to his men "ALRIGHT SOLDIERS PREPARE FOR THE SECOND DEFENSE! GO! GO! GO!" the soldiers ran to their assigned post and was almost getting prepared until the ground was shaking again...

The Voidling was making its way to the other hallway, it's body suddenly was bigger than before and the eyes was glowing red in rage. It then ran fast to the other room and screams in rage.

"Araza, I can feel it's energy from here. Be ready to defend for your life!" said Vaduu to him.

He looked at the soldiers who were fearing for their lives but as a soldier it has to be done, sacrificing their lives for the cause of Humanity and yet they were shaking in fear.

He prepares his battle stance and waited for the monster to arrive as the footsteps was getting stronger and stronger until it stopped all of the sudden, to the soldier's confusion why did it go so silent.

"What the f-" the soldiers from the front then was squashed and blood gushing out, they were getting squeezed as the monster jumped up and down repeatedly until they're surely dead.

Now they were looking at the creature in horror as they picture their own lives getting caught out by this creature. It moved fast and ran getting the heads of each soldiers and eating them without any care.

"RUN! Everyone RUN!" shouted the injured soldier.

The Voidling looked at the now injured man in front of it and ate his head using it's mouth. Araza now angered by it, he glared at it and shouted "HEY DOWN HERE, MOTHERFUCKER!" he prepared his battle stance as it was about to punch him.

He dodged the first punch and continued dodging the second one but was caught off guard with the left kick. He was blown away by it's kick which made a hole into the building.

"You're brave young one, I'll give you that but you're nothing compared to what I am right now!" it ran to him and was going to hit him with it's shoulder.

He swings his scythe from the left and gets hit by it.

The monster screams in agony as the weapon pierced through it's skin and was getting pierced more making the monster bleed.

He continued to swing from left to right damaging the creature and jumps to aim for his head with a swing downwards until it was blocked using it's own hands and delivers a punch to his guts.

He then gets kneed to the face making him fly from across the room. As he tumbles to the side and looked at the monster, he was bleeding and there he vomits blood. The monster then grins evilly as it was enjoying the fight.

"You pretty much gave all you've got but it's time to end this foolishness, human." the creature then jumps and was about to punch him but when the fist hits him, he blocked it with his shield.

It was surprised as he created a new armor which was a big shield with the dragon design on the center. The creature's eyes suddenly widened in shock as it saw something familiar...

"Is that... The Chaos Shield?!" asked the Voidling.

And Araza just smirks to it and ran to it with his battle roar.


[To be continued]