
Lillian remembers her father when she was just child.


Lillian was just a child back then, she was excited to finally visit her father again. Lillian was away from her father because of certain reasons but of course her father had an arrangement with her mother about making her visit.

Her parents despised her real father and she doesn't even know why but she loves him more than her current father ever since. Her mother was cold and always gets annoyed whenever she tries to impress her with some things but with her father, he always gives her a "Thumbs up" or "Good job" signal.

"How's my little pumpkin?" he hugged her tightly and she hugged him back. She looked at the man and said "I'm fine, father. I just finished my exams, don't worry too much and stop crying" she said trying to stop her laughter from coming out.

Her father always cries whenever they have a reunion.

"Come on, pumpkin. Let's get you something to eat." he smiled at her and held her little hand to come along and walk to the nearest food store where he bought their favorite food which made her happy because it's been too long.

They both ate happily together, played at the park for a few hours and then gone back home to her father's house.

"Father, look at what I've finished in school!" she said excitingly to her father as he smiled back to her and replied "WOW! That's a pretty drawing. Good job, kid!" he held the drawing to look at it more clearly and his smile grew at the face of his own child.

"Thank you, Papa!" she hugged him tightly and jumped on him, he catches her and was making pinching her cheeks softly. They were both laughing until they arrived.

"It's time to go..." the maid told the little girl and there her face frowned to sadness which made her cry a little. He looked at the little girl and kneeled in front of her and said "Don't be sad, Little one. For you have a good heart which is motivated by your goals. Never forget that." he smiles and hugs her.

"Remember always be who you really are."


Both of them were shocked, who could've defeated actually KILLED an A-class Void-ling alone?

Something was not right...

"Who could've killed that monster?" she asked herself and there she thought of Araza beating it but eating it was too much...

"There could be another one of those things inside this building." he warns her.

"There could be but there's no report from your captain." she was right there was no report from his team but just to be sure he called his captain to ask.

"Captain, are there anymore threats inside the building?" he asked through the ear plug but no one answered.

While he was busy trying to call his captain, she just walked around looking for survivors but it seems there's none.

Which made her tear up a little bit, ever since she was a child he was always there for her, he'll cook, play and make toys with her because they can only be together in so little time whenever they had the time.

"Lillian, it seems there are no more threats so we need to look for survivors." he said to her with a nod in which she nods as well.

It was all horrible, the people who died were known members of the V.S.A and the others were just rookies in training which made it a lot worse.

Their deaths will not be in vain for they'll be remembered as heroes.

"You all will be remembered brothers, you've sacrificed your lives by protecting this country." He said to them and smiled in honor of their name.

She was getting really worried of Araza, she never knew that living with someone for a long time can really give you a heart-wrenching feeling.

"Araza will be alright, Lillian. You're worrying too much." he said to her while walking around the area.

"Seeing many dead bodies in the ground and telling me that he'll be okay is like a bluff that's so obvious. Sure you don't need to worry about him." she sarcastically replied to him without looking back.

"You know it seems like you've developed feelings for this boy, Lillian. I thought you hated men?" he teased her with a smirk now plastered to his face.

"Yes, I still hate your fucking gender but that doesn't mean I hate Araza as well... He kinda completes me." she blushed and tried hide her face from V but he noticed it right away.

They continued to walk forward just to see even more dead bodies and there he noticed one body... It was his former student's body where it was crushed by rocks.

"This is too much. How can life be so cruel to us, humans." she asked herself and sighs, sadness started to fill her heart.

"There's nothing we can do but to move on and fight for a better future..." He said still looking at the corpse.


They both heard a loud scream from a far.

V stood up from kneeling and began to walk to where the sound came from and hid behind the pillars. He peeked on the side only to see a familiar face...

Eating a head... The monster's head...


"You know what he's capable of and you know how powerful he really is when... Wait." he suddenly stopped talking when he realized something.

"Didn't you tell me before that he can awaken into something?" he asked her knowing fully something was not right.

She nods to his question and her eyes widened at the thought of Araza awakening his new found power.

"No, don't tell me..." she was too shocked at what he said and looked at her hands to see... Araza eating the remains of corpses and the head of the monster.

"His body must have evolved into something far more than just a human..." He said to her with his lifeless eyes finally setting the target.

He prepared his lance and gave a signal to split up ine which she nods to him in agreement.

They were both walking the opposite side trying to circle around the monster.

"More! MORE! More!" Araza shouted in delight and continued to eat the skin of the now dead body of a soldier but then his senses sharpened he was surrounded by something...

He looked behind him to see nothing but the destroyed wall...

He looks back to where his meat is until his hands suddenly got tied up by Lillians web.

"Hold him down!" V was rushing towards him with a speed not known to man.


He pierced his lance into his body but there was no reaction...

"Nice try, human but..." Araza takes out the lance with his own bare hand and glared at V.

"No matter how sharp the sword is, I won't die."

"Araza what happened to you?!" she asked her former friend until he tried to attack her using his claws.

"I'm not Araza, you fucking pleb!" he tried to land a hit on her but she was dodging and blocking his every punch.

"Araza..." she got too worried and finally punched his guts which made him fall to his knees.

"Well that was unexpected." V stated in a comedic way and started attacking the monster back with full force.

"Well Lillian... What are we gonna do about him?"

"I have no choice but to defeat him..." she said with a hint of worry in her voice.

He just continuely attacking the Araza giving Lillian the time to make her most powerful weapon.

"Give me five minutes and it should be done by then."

"Well then. It's time to play monster." he taunts Araza.

He just smirks at V and nods.

"Shall we begin?"