When he got home, he was surpriced that his 3 wolves talking human language.

"Welcome back Master!" (Larry)

"Wow Larry, you can talk now. Do you have any other new abilities besides that?" he said

"Yes master, all 3 of us can also transform in human forms." (Larry)

"Oh! Well don't transform yet, you will be butt naked. I can't let you live in a dog houses now then. You 3 are part of my coven. Wait a bit, I will build you a nice house near the gates. I will also put a beast core on your collars to function like an interspacial rings. So if you are in human forms you have clothes and money in the colars and enjoy yourselves." he said

"Thank you master. Me and my brothers are always willing to serve." (Larry)

He then summoned 50 shadow soldiers and build a nice cozy 3 bedroom house by the gates, complete with bathrooms and kitchen. He didn't put a living room since they can come inside the main house for that. He put beds and a wardrobe full clothes in each of their room. Afterwards he made the new collars and put 1 billion demon coins on each collar, 1 legend rank sword and clothes.

The 3 saber wolves entered each of their new bedrooms. They cameout dressed in their human form. They were very happy with their room especially the bathroom.

"Thank you master!" (3 saber wolves in human form)

"Curly! I am sorry I did not notice you were a girl wolf!" he said

"Do not worry about it master! Even my stupid brothers think I'm male!" (Curly)

He immidiately changed the clothing in her wardrobe and interspacial collars.

"Here are your new collars. Inside i gave rach of you 1 billion demon coins each, a change of clothes and a legend rank sword that grows as you grow. Put a drop of your blood on the sword and you are the only one that can use the sword." he said

The 3 was amazed at what their master gave them, what interest them the most was the sword. They might train in the 3rd basement training room to get the feel of the sword.

"You 3 rotate in guarding the house so you guys enjoy you time outside. Have fun and that's an order. Now enjoy your lives since we have eternity together. If you want to start a family, let me know. Bring your significant other and I will make them join the coven." he said

"Thank you master!" (The 3 bowed in gratefulness)

The city lord came over again with his entire family. Recently, he developed several pinball machines and became a big hit.

"Aren't you spending way too much time here? You probably have a stack of paperworks on your office."he asked

"Hahaha! A good leader delegate their jobs to subordinates. I got so good at it that I found out I have no work left. See how good of leader I am!" ( Ye Zong)

"Haaa~I blame his father for his behavior. How have we fallen." (Ye Yan)

Then a bit later, Director Yang and her bowling league came.

"Didn't I made 15 lanes bowling lanes in the building?" he said

"Yes, but it became a big hit with the nobles. Now there is a waiting list for the bowling alley. Besides having a private bowling alley is a great privilage. hehehe." (Director Yang)

He just shaked his head like he is having a headache.

"Oh Yeah, I almost forgot. How is your investigation on the sacred family going? Are you almost finished?" he asked

"Yes, we should get the final evidences after the youth competition next week. And also tomorrow, your friend Nie Li and his family will be living next door to you." (Director Yang)

Ye Zong heard what she just said and yelled,

"I refuse to give my daughter to that Nie Li kid. grrrrrrr! (Ye Zong)

They happily spend the day playing around while Nie Li is in his research room researching the benefits of the scarlet blood crystals and also the blood of the scarlet ghost.


The whole house shaked. Everyone rushed to the research room.

(cough) (cough) (cough)

"That one packed a big wallop!" he said

"You okay Michael! And what is this place?" (Ye Zong)

Director Yang also have the same question in mind. The rest of the coven left after seeing him okay.

"Oh, this is my research room. I test blood and cores for other uses. Oh that reminds me.

(he took out 2 bags from his inventory and gave them 1 each). Each of those bags contains Scarlet blood crystals. It will help you achieve legend rank quicker." he said

The 2 were speachless and put the bags in their spacial rings.

"What are you researching?" (Director Yang)

"Recently i encountered a demon beast that has a blood that is extremely flammable. I was thinking of developing a skill called but is still in the research phase. I can do explosion inscription on it and it can take out a gold rank cultivator, but i need a stronger boom to get atleast a legend rank to get me interested." he said

"What?!" (Both Ze Yong & Director Yang)

"Can you show me! And can I also have some to research!" (Director Yang)

"Sure! Let's go to the 3rd basement training ground and I'll show you how it works" he said

"What! You have a secord and third basement?!" (Ye Zong)

"Well~ yeah i do. I also have a 4th and 5th. But those are secret to only my coven can enter."

"Boy, you have too many secrets. Okay let's go before i get a heart attack." (Ye Zong)

When they reached the 3rd basement, it was so large that it eas tunneled below the city lord mansion and below the lake. The 2 guest jaws fell. There was also a marine obstacle course, a ninja worrior training course. Test dummies. It also has an armory under lock and key. The inside was guns, bazookas and ammunitions. He doesn't believe the are ready for that yet.

"Welcome to basement 3. Lets take a walk. The bombing area is a little distance away." hr said

They followed him in the walk. The whole area was illuminated by explosion proof lightbulbs. They passed through training dummies, boxing rings and gyms. They arrived in the gun range which doubles for throwing range. There he showed them how to write the explosion inscription then throw the bottle aeay from them.


"That one was not bad. It can probably kill a four star gold rank. Maybe if i change the bottle metal to release like a pressure cooker bomb or a pipe bomb." he said while thinking

The two had a serious face. If this get out, it can lead to the destruction of glory city.

Michael looked at them and correctly guessed what they are thinking.

"Don't worry, I'm researching them to protect glory city from upcoming beast horde attack. If my guess is correct, the dark guild might also attack us as they did with Nie Li. I might be strong but I can't be everywhere at a moment's notice. "

"Thank you for that, but we also have to research preventive measures against these. Can I also have some bottles of the blood."

(Ye Zong)

He gave both of them 30 bottles each. They rushed back to their workplace to start their research.

The next day Nie Li and family moved next door. Nie Hai and Nie En has also moved in.

Michael invited them to his home and when they got there their jaws drop. Duan Jian gave them a tour to the facility. Nie Li stayed behind to talk to Michael.

"Michael, here are the god rank demon beast core you asked." (Nie Li)

Nie Li gave him 100 demon cores with god rank level. He emptied all spirit beast merchants and almost bankrupt him.

"Thanks Nie Li. In return, I will give you this. Share it with everyone." he said

Michael passed Nie Li a spacial ring. Nie Li's eyes widen in shock.

"Michael! Is this what I think it is?!" (Nie Li)

"Yup! It's the scarlet blood crysyals. It can help you quickly reach legend tank. There is exactly 10,000 lbs. of crystals in there. Enough for each of all of you to reach legend rank twice. Oh yeah, you named your sword yet. The sword has a soul you know." he asked

"Thanks alot for this. Looks like I owe you one again. And yeah i did, Lightning Demon sword.

"Go ahead and tour the place. Your future wife and his dad should be here soon. I will get takeout food from Seth restaurant to celebrate you moving in next door." he said

The moment he left to get the food, Ye Zong came with his family. Then Ye Zong saw Nie Li and his mood started to sour.

At night time after the party everyone was leaving. Nie Hai was dragged by Nie En due to he didn't want to go home and play in his paradise.

Two weeks later...

The youth competition that was sponsored by the sacred family.

Nie Li was participating on the competition and thanks to the scarlet blood crystal boost in cultivation, Nie Li advanced to 2-star gold rank. Everyone became gold rank with Du Ze leading as 5-star gold rank and ready to enter black/ gold rank.

"So, who wants to go with me to see kids fight!" he said

"I want to stay and absorb the scarlet blood crystals and try to comprehend my daos. It's only kids fighting anyway, how entertaining is that." (Ye Yan)

Everyone has the same answer including Duan Jian. Duan Jian became different since he feels equality within the blood coven so he developed a different real self. He also became a master alchemist and earn his own income like Ye Yan, but his loyalty is still the strongest among everyone.

"Okay! I guess you guys are not interested in gambling." he said

"No were not interested!" ( Ye Zong)

"City lord? Isn't it too early to ne here?" he said

"Are you kidding me! The breakfast here is almost as good as Seth restaurant. Why would I miss it?!" (Ye Zong)

Ye Zong went straight to the dinner table. Out of everyone in the coven, the one that got the cooking skill is a saber wolf. Curly got mad skills in cooking and it wasn't maxed out yet, so it will even get better.

He went to the arena alone. He wanted to test his self made camera he had been researching. He got the solution down thanks to alchemy and his system. He had trouble with the shutter speed which created afterimages.

He arrived at the arena where the event was being held. He went to the betting booth. He asked the highest amount to bet. Then he placed the bet on Nie Li for the highest amount and got his bet slip.

He entered the stands and saw Shen Ming and Director Yang in between Shen Fei and Nie Li. Nie Hai and Nie En was sweating bullets. I went towards Nie Hai, greated him and sat beside him.

When Shen Fei saw Michael, He froze and started to pee himself. It was a trauma he can't forget and each time become stronger.

Everyone laugh at him and then he ran towards the waiting room.

"Hey Michael, I thought you wouldn't make it. What took you so long?" (Director Yang)

"Just taking it easy. I wanna test my new invention. It's called a camera. I used alchemy to treat the film in the camera too transfer to a paper or a wood plate. The film is tricky by ionizing plastic and carbon." he said

"Sounds amazing. I never considered alchemy be used for something else rather than making pills and elixers." (Director Yang)

"You have to think outside the box to make progress. By the way, you got the evidence yet? So I can test my experiments on them and see how much destruction it can produce. I already created an RPG bazooka. I wanna blow something up like a firecracker." he said

"We should be getting it tonight. The city lord already set up a secret meeting without the sacred family to review the evidence and decide the plan of attack." (Director Yang)

"You should bet on Nie Li big time! He already reached 2-star gold rank or maybe higher after i gave him those blood crystals. He probably gonna fake on having a hard time to increase the bet." he adviced

When Nie Hai and Nie En heard this, they quickly ran to the betting booth, maximizing their bets. Director Yang called one of her servants to bet the maximum.

"I can't believe you guys have no belief in Nie Li's potential." he said

(click!) (click) (click)

He took a picture of their reaction.

"Hahaha! That was priceless. You guys look like you dog died. This will make it in the scrapbook. I wanna take a picture og Nie Li's Yin-Yang blast wave and review if I can replicate it." he said

"Your telling us alot of Nie Li's secret he might get angry." (Director Yang)

"Nah~! He will show it later today anyway. And as a warning, That attack can exceed one realm higher than the person's cultivation. That is why I want to study and develope that skill."

Shen Fei and Nie Li entered the arena.

"Check this out! If you blink you might miss it. Shen Fei won't even be able to transform." he said.

Shen fei charge Nie Li.


(Click!) (Click!), (Click!)

"Hahaha! I got it! priceless" he said

The crowd became angry and started to voice their displeasure.

Shen Fei Stand up and powered up getting ready to transform.

"Here it comes again!" he said


(Click!) (Click!) (Click!)

"Hahaha! He looks like willie cayote." he said

Director Yang, Nie Hai and Nie En were looking at Michael about predicting the out come.

"Michael, can you predict the future?" (Director Yang)

"Yeah, Something like that. If you don't believe me then I will tell you that Shen Ming will announce the forfeit of Shen Fei, but Shen Fei will deny it and Nie Li will knock him again while he's trying to transform and Shen Ming will complain that they already forfeit but still beat him." he informed them

In a bit later, Shen Ming announced the forfeit and Shen Fei denied and tried transform then get pounded to the ground by Nie Li.

(Click!) (Click!) (Click!)

"Nie Li! We already forfeit, why did you have to beat him!" (Shen Ming)

"Hahaha! That look like it hurt" he said

Director Yang, Nie Li and Nie En was shocked that what he said came true. Nie Li came to the stands acting tired. Shen Ming increased the bet to 100,000 demon coins. Nie Li went back down to the waiting room.

Then director Yang, Nie Hai and Nie En asked him what's gonna happen on the next fight.

"Nie Li will run around the whole compound br pretending to runaway scared. Then Shen Ning will dive to do his final attack and Nie Li will activate his gravity attack to knock Shen Ning to the ground after the dust clear." he said

The fight happened as he said in every word. They now believe he can see the future.

"Hey, You guys should take your winnings. The sacred family is running out of money to pay the winnings soon. A piece of advice, on the last fight rush towards the booth collection to get your winnings. They can only afford half of the winning bets."

They rushed to the booth and took out the winnings. The winning ratio of both fights are 1:10, so they wone 10 times of what they bet. 2000 turned to 20,000 demon coins. To Michael it was nothing but every little counts to starve the sacred family.

Then they went back to their seats. Nie Li went up to the stands acting he got a close call. Shen Ming Upped the bet to 150,000 demon coins. Nie Li accepted the bet and went back down the waiting stands to fight Shen Xiao.

They called their names and prepared to fight. Shen Xiao did not even wait and taken 2 strengthen pills.

"Okay this is it. Nie Li fight for real now. Shen Xiao is nothing bit an ant compared to his real power." he said

Shen Ming heard what Michael said that he now knows he have been tricked and lost all hope and collapse on his chair not even wanting to watch.

(Click!) (Click!) (Click!)

"Got it! I got the pictures of the Yin Yang bast wave. Here! You can have my winning slip. I need to process the picture and I don't want to go home in rush hour."

He gave Nie Hai the winnimg slips. Nie Hai was surprised that Michael betted several times and have 20 winning slips all maximum amount which put a smile on Nie Hai's face. He quickly went to the winning booth and lined up without the fight not being finished yet.

Michael waved goodbye to everyone and went home to develope the film to find the secrets of the light and darkness fusion attribute.