Chapter 1: Encounter with the most powerful being

Waking up from his sleep Rayanne wanted to move his body but realized he was floating.

RAYANNE: What's going on?

He asked, looking around before finding a small light in this dark space.

Curious he decides to go.

After who knows how long to get there only to see an old man sitting on a dominating throne watching him.

RAYANNE: B ... b. Hello, who are you please?

He asked with a slightly scared voice.

??? Hello, my child, I am the most powerful god in the universe, Amon.

RAYANNE: D ... Gods?

AMON: Yes my child a god. Do not waste time child you have only 10 minutes in my space.

RAYANNE: Okay, so I understood why did you bring me here? Because if I'm not mistaken, I'm dead.

AMON: Yes, you are indeed dead and thanks to the action you did before dying, you gained karma points thanks to the person you saved. This person created a humanitarian aid association that greatly contributed to the development of the territory. So I decided to give you 5 wishes of your choice and to reincarnate you in a cultivation world.

By the time he heard this he was very much then became exited because it was always his dream to go to a world of cultivation.

RAYANNE: What really?

He asked without a voice he still could not believe it, but he resolved quickly.

AMON: Yes you can.

RAYANNE: Great! Is there any martial spirit in this world?

AMON: Yes I chose it according to your tastes.

RAYANNE: Well then my wishes are:

1- Defeat the world of mortals at age required for the awakening of the martial spirit in the lowest realms with a martial spirit that looks like an angel with wings of flame with a sun above him with the ability to hide his rank as much as I want.

2- I want you to create me if you please a body with your own power. This body must have a very good understanding of the martial arts, a very rapid understanding of alchemy, the energy of the soul, spiritual energy and a great talent for culture.

3- I want a sun-shaped mark on my waist-size office of size the size of a city

I want a solar-type bloodline that improves combat ability and speed of cultivation.

4- In my dimension I want time to pass three times faster than outside and that there are recipes for pills of this world and different types of cauldrons of different levels.

5-In my dimension I want that there are several trees that will never lose their vitality. the trees will have to be 50 in number and will have to produce at least 20 each. the trees will have to bear fruit ranging from 30 years to 10,000 years property on access to different levels of cultivations. But the ages ranging from 30 to 50 years old will have to be available already at my appearance in this world.

RAYANNE: Is this good sir?

AMON: Intelligent child, you do not ask for anything like extravagant like instant mastery, so I'll give you some knowledge about this world.

Saying this, he raises his hand after which the emptiness begins to tear, sucking Rayanne inside.

RAYANNE: Thank you very much.

He said he bowed politely with gratitude before completely disappearing from the void.