Chapter 5: Crescent Moon Pavilion Part 2

XIN FEI: The terms are as follows

- sixty percent of the shares of the proceeds of the sale.

- this agreement must remain secret between us two

. - you will provide me with herbs every week or I will send a servant the seekers.

LEI MAO: Well the conditions are ok then please take that. He said giving him a bag filled with gold coin, a VIP part of the pavilion and a sheet to sign the contract.

After XIN FEI signed the contract he left and flagged and rang the gold coins in his dimmenssion then he went to buy food and eat while heading to the Tiang family's homes.

Yes he decided to go for the town house because he is the most important expert of the city. Once in front of the buildings the guards stopped him.

GUARDS: Stop what do you want? XIN FEI. : I wish to see the lord of the city please. Tell him it's urgent.

The guard wanted to ask questions but decided to warn their patriarch.


In a luxurious room was a man sitting next to this man would find a little girl who seems to be five years old at a glance one can guess that she will certainly be a beauty of great caliber later.

At that moment the father and the girl took advantage of their warm moment during a guard entras. GUARD: PATRIARCH! Said he, making the reverence.

PATRIARCHE TIANG: Who is there to disturb me when I'm with my child? He said sternly. The guard starts to have cold sweats and then finds the courage to speak.

Guards: Partriarche there is a child of the same age as the young mistress who requests audience from you he says that this is important.

The patriarch calmed a little but we could see that he was still upset. Ainci he decided to go see this famous boy.


XIN FEI was currently standing in front of an imposing middle-aged man.

This is none other than the patriarch Tiang.

Tiang: So boy it seems that you wanted to see me? Said he is taken by such a beautiful child who did not even look at him in those eyes.

XIN FEI: Hello lord of the city I come here for you to adopt me in your family while I go in a sect. The patriarch was surprised for a moment before asking.

Tiang: why should I adopt you? XIN FEI: because I have a lineage of without and when more of her I will have a special spirit and not only that but I will help you in your cultivation later.