
I was dragged down to the club by Lisa.

I hate this.

As soon as I entered I nearly stumbled.Aissh these heels she made me wear.Idk how long I have to stay here.It's getting on my nerves aghh.

Lisa: Enjoying the party?

Y/N: Do you really think that?

Lisa: C'mon Y/N we are here to have fun.If you be like this it will hurt my feelings.

There she goes again with her emotional blackmail. I atleast have to show her that I am not bored or it will spoil her fun.

Lisa: Let's go to Jungkook and wish him happy birthday.That's the reason we are here.

We went to Jungkook but couldn't find him.So we looked for a crowd of girls.Ofcourse they will be there😂

When we finally found them and went to talk to them all the girls were looking at us as if they will eat us.

Lisa: Hey Kookieeeeee happieeee birthdayyyyyy

She gave him a hug.The faces of the girls I swear😂

It's a free drama so why don't make it spicier?

I also went on to hug him.Since I also knew him so it was not awkward.

Jungkook: Thank you girlss..oh I forgot to introduce you with my friend.It's Jimin.And Jimin it's Y/N and Lisa.

[Jimin P.O.V]

It's her.The girl I used to see in the library.She's a bookworm though.Who am I seeing here?Is she her twin?I mean it's two different person.But I like it.But I like her without it too.

I was staring at her for some seconds with my hands spreaded for a handshake.

Y/N: *shaking her hands in front of my eyes* Hello???Jimin??Are you there?


Oh sorry I got distracted.Hii I am Jimin. *I quickly put on a smile and shaked hands*

Ooppsss I got caught in the scene.We don't even know each other.She must think I am crazy right?Well basically we are strangers who saw each other for one or two times in the University.But then I started seeing her in the library.I bet she didn't notice me.But how??A crowd is always following me.

So she ignored me.Aiisshhh why am I thinking so much?

I snapped back to earth.

[End of Jimin P.O.V]

This Jimin guy is wierd.He is in a verge of thoughts from the moment he has seen me.We don't know each other so is he trying to figure out where he has seen me?Possible.But this awkward feeling...

My thoughts were disturbed by Jimin's sudden announcement.

Jimin: So guys it's time for cutting the cake.So everyone gather around.

It.was.perfect.I mean Lisa and Jungkook really did this to me😑They put the cream on my face and I look so wierd now.Aissh I have to go to the washroom.

I reached the washroom when I heard a conversation.

Girl 1: Did you see the two girls??Lisa and the other girl?I never liked Lisa because she is too close to Jungkook but now this girl..I don't like her too.

Girl 2: Yeah same here.Did you see the look in Jimin's eyes?He always stares at her when they are in the library.What are these bitches up to?Kookie was not enough so now they want Jimin too??The hell I am gonna let them do that.

Girl 1: Let's go the game will start now.

Girl 2: Yeah let's go.

I hid myself when they come out.I entered the washroom,thoughts filling up my mind.

What the hell are they talking about??Jimin staring at me??In the Library?Oh god what I have gotten myself into??Help me someone.And these girls were aggressive idk what will they do to me.


More drama to come..stay tuned :)

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