
Lisa and I was drinking and talking about stuffs when some girls came.

Oh shittt they are those girls who were there in the bathroom!!!Hell yaah so bad day for me 😶

Girl 1: Heyy slut wanna talk to you.

I was so furious!!!how dare she call me a slut?!!

Y/N : Please don't talk rudely.Tell me what you want.

Girl 2 : How dare a girl like you steal our Jimin oppa.You bloody loser!!

They were getting on my nerves and the hell I was going to tolerate them!fuck off you bitches!I was nice to you.You lost the chance.

Y/N : YOUR Jimin oppa likes me that's not my fault bitches!!I didn't even know him before tonight.What's my fault?

They were creating a scene there and somehow people started gathering around us.And suddenly Jimin came into the scene and everybody went silent.

oh fucckk what is he doing here??don't tell me he is going to save me from this.noooooo

It was nothing like that.But definately he saved me from those bitches.

Jimin : Y/N will you dance with me??

My jaws dropped.So did the others'.

What the hell is going on??now what to do??big trouble 😶

Lisa : *whispering to my ear* Listen to your heart for once.You'll not regret it.

That's when suddenly my braveness came from heavens and I kept my hand on his.

Y/N : Sure.

I could feel all the stares in the room were on us.But somehow I managed to ignore them.Idk why but putting my hand on his makes my heart pound and I want to forget everything else.

Wait why am I talking like I'm in love??Gawwwdd Y/N you just met him today??!!!

We went up to the dance floor.The dancing lights,the sparkling background....and the spotlight on us.

We started dancing.


"No limit in the sky

That I won't fly for ya

No amount of tears in my eyes

That I won't cry for ya, oh no

With every breath that I take

I want you to share that air with me

There's no promise that I won't keep

I'll climb a mountain, there's none too steep

When it comes to you

There's no crime

Let's take both of our souls

And intertwine

When it comes to you

Don't be blind

Watch me speak from my heart

When it comes to you

Comes to you"


The song,the melody,and us...time was flying by.We were so into each other.He held my waist tightly and it was sending shivers down my spine.This is the first time I am feeling like this.His eyes,those were like an ocean and he not even once stopped staring at me.I was feeling..uhh..trapped into his was beautiful.My heart was beating like crazy and I could feel his heart beats too.

Is it right to say that I kinda fell for him?but again I just met him today.But Lisa said to listen to my heart.Agghhh I don't know anymore.

Jimin : Uhh Y/N??the song ended

I'm stupid right???I was lost in my own thoughts and him that I didn't notice the song ended and I made myself look like a fool by staring at him even after that.

Y/N : Ahh sorry I didn't notice.

Jimin : Already fell for me?Well ofcourse you can't resist my charms *Smirk*

I hate when people smirk.Specially boys.It's like they have over-confidence.Well I remembered how my first expression of him was not good.

Y/N : Over confidence is not good Jimin-sshi.I know you have many girls around you.But I am not like those girls.You maybe thought I'm another slut who falls for guys anywhere and everywhere and have one night stands.

I gave him a disgusted look.And he somehow looked..uhh...sad?hurt?It looked like that.

Omg did he get hurt?I was not intending on hurting him.I messed up.Shitt!!

Jimin : Sorry.I was just kidding.Sorry if I hurt your feelings.I am leaving okay.Chill.

He flashed me a sad smile.My heart ached.He DID look hurt that time.I really didn't intend to hurt him...his smile..that was so bright when he was dancing with me..this is so different.Well who wouldn't get hurt if their loved one talked to them like that?

Why am I so careless???I need to talk to him..apologise to him..but he is leaving..I need to stop him.I shouldn't hurt someone who likes me..or loves me


This was an emotional episode right??hahaha

Please vote if you like it.And also comment or share.It gives me the motivation because I am a lazy person and this is my first ff so I get stuck at some places.For you guys I get my inspiration :)

Love you cuties ❤️