[2]Level 1 - Alone

"I've been managing my farm for a week now." I said as I plough on another empty square of my land. "I've harvested enough wheats to make decent blunt weapons to whoop trespassers with. When can I actually engage in fights though? Or do I just have to begin to practice my 'Get off my lawn!' shouts?"

Xin flew to check on the storage of my farm and came back nodding in approval. "At this rate it is possible to head out, but the monsters will be way too difficult for you to deal with." She sighed. "I'm sorry that I'm not useful enough for you." She frowned for the very first time, which caused me to feel guilty about all those whining.

I paused. "I know I'm not being as nice as I want to be towards you. You've been working on farm duties with me the past week and I'm just here complaining. I'm sorry. But I really want some adventure.."

"Alright. I'll make do! But unfortunately, I can't provide you with weapons. So, uh. Mistress, you might have to use your bare fists."

Upon hearing that, I dropped the tool my character was holding. "Bare fists? As in, I need to go in Bocky Ralboa style? Wait, no. That dude got a pair of gloves. I have only my fists." Xin bursted out laughing, but stopped when she heard the displeasure in my voice.

"Doesn't tanks get one of those really cool shields? Or even a twig in the beginning like Funnel Funta-" I shot her a smirk. "My little Xin, don't you have some sort of power moves that I have yet to know about?"

"P- power moves…? Oh Mistress, please don't joke like that. I wasn't programmed to do any of that. B- b- but I will try my best to assist you!"

"Forget about it. You're the first friend I've managed to make in this game. I don't know what would happen if you died and not be able to return to me. I'll do the fighting, you stay put."

"M- mistress, you're being too nice to me." With her hands covering her face due to shyness, her wings flapped out of pattern and fell onto my character's shoulder to rest.

"Oh, and stop calling me Mistress. That makes me sound like I'm still living in the Victorian era. Just call me Lily." With twinkle in her eyes, she exclaimed in a joyful shout. "Okay, Lily!"

I couldn't help but to return a gleaming smile, even though I knew she wouldn't be able to see it behind the screen. I thought to myself that it's unreal how human-like Xin was designed to be.

I bit my lips, shaking myself out of my thoughts. "I shouldn't over-think about these things. It's just a game." I murmured under my breath.

"Lily? Are you ready to head out?" Xin questioned with her head tilt to the side. I looked up and noticed that Xin had already prepared a warping portal to the outside world.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I replied with affirmation as my character stepped into the portal.


After dissolving into white, the location my character was previously in was changed into that of a small village.

"This map is probably one of those story scenes." I thought to myself as I heard the orchestra of the sound derived from each drop of rain drizzled from the darkened sky.

"Xin… ?"