Hell... or Reincarnation?

Thousands of miles away, a young girl, about 22 years old, yelled maniacally. She clutched her throat and collapsed. "Older brother," She rasped slowly, "You promised me you'd come back alive."


General Han felt pure bliss flood through all of his veins. He felt a cool relief seep through his body. He also felt himself floating upwards.

'Wait... that's not right... I know that I definitely cut my head off, why am I floating?' He thought, absolutely confused. Then, the idiot looked down.

'What on Earth? THAT'S CLEARLY ME DOWN THERE!!! AM I DEAD?!?!?!'

General Han felt a sharp tug on his upper back. It was pulling him upwards. The world around him disappeared, and everything turned white.


Slowly, everything regained color around Han Lu Shi, but instead of a bloody battlefield and his own decapitated body, he saw a nighttime sky. but, there was something weird about it... Instead of stars, there were two lights in the sky. Spirits were all around him, of every age and size.

"All your friends have chosen reincarnation over that red light, also known as hell. Will you be the same?" A voice says behind him. Han Lu Shi turns around and comes face to face with a...


"That's the same thing Lan Xian Xia said."


"Never mind that. You have two choices, either pick that red light and go to Hell or choose reincarnation."

"Why can't I go to the white light?"

"You've killed thousands of men single-handedly, and commanded your soldiers to kill even more, and you're asking me why you can't go to Heaven?"

"Fair point. I choose reincarnation."

"Are you sure? There's a lot of risks-"

"Who cares, I'd rather be reincarnated with risks, then be in Hell. Just reincarnate me."

"Fine," The glowing bunny sighs, "don't say I didn't warn you, though."

"Yeah, yeah, just do it."

"Okay... GOOD LUCK, LITTLE BOY!!!" The glowing bunny yells as Han Lu Shi's vision swim. Han Lu Shi closes his eyes, ready for his new fate.
