A Sword

After Han Lu Shi had been traumatized by the vast knowledge of a woman's monthly, he finally understood why his sister was so weird one week every month.

'Wait... Han Xia... she thinks I'm dead. I'm such an idiot. I should go find her and explain everything. But, I'm a girl. What should I do?'

Whenever Han Lu Shi needed to think, he would practice with his sword, Blood.

"Wait, I don't have Blood with me." He said to himself.

"What was that, Young Miss?"

"Do you have a spare sword?"


"A spare sword." He repeated.

"You want to play with a sword, Young Miss?"

"Not play, use."

"I need to go inform Clan Leader," she said and rushed out of the room.

'Huh?' Han Lu Shi thought. He looked around the room and saw many swords on display.

'I'm an idiot. I could've just took one of those swords instead of asking her.'

He took the sword most similar to his old one, a long red sword.

He went into the area behind 'her' room, a large grassy area surrounded by a stone fence. There was a lone cherry blossom tree that 'she' could barely see because of the darkness of the night. A cool wind flowed through 'her' hair, and 'she' sighed. Even though it was a cool night, she was still warm.

"If only I had some chrysanthemum wine." 'she' whispered.

"Maybe I can go straight to her and tell her what happened."

"But I told her to never believe in reincarnation," refuting the previous idea.

"Maybe I can dress as I used to and wear makeup to hide the womanly features. But my height and weight..."

'She' continued to practice, 'her' thoughts troubling 'her'. Suddenly, 'she' felt an intense gaze scrutinizing her practice. However, 'she' didn't say anything as she didn't detect any maliciousness in the gaze.

When she finally finished, it was the deepest and darkest time of night. However, the light of the full moon still enabled 'her' to see the cherry blossoms floating down gently around 'her'.

"You know, it's considered very rude to stare at someone so intensely without their permission." 'She' says, her melodious voice floating through the air.

An old man came from behind the walls. 'She' still felt an intense gaze, but not from the old man.

'I'll talk to the other person later.' 'She' thought.

The old man was wearing white robes and had a joyous look on his face. His features weren't similar to the new body she owned, as Han Lu Shi noticed.

"Who taught you the Blood Arts? How are you so good at it? How are you lost in your thoughts while doing it? It's the most complicated form of martial arts, and you can do it effortlessly." The old man asked.

"You have chrysanthemum wine?" 'She' asked.


"One jug per answer." 'She' said arrogantly.


"Two jugs per answer."


"Three jugs per answer."

"I only have nine!!!"

"Should I make it four-"

"NO!!! I- I agree. Now answer my question."

"I taught myself."

"Impossible!!! The Great General Han Lu Shi from the Eastern Mainland created it. How could you have taught yourself? You're 12!"

"Do you have any more questions?"

"Why do you know it so well?"

"Again, I taught myself. It's six jugs of wine now."

"Will you teach me?"

"No. All nine of your jugs."

"But you said no!!!"

"I only had to answer your questions, you never told me how I was supposed to answer." 'She' replied savagely.

"I'm your grandfather!!!"

"Even an idiot can tell we're not related by blood."

"You take after your mother."

"Even then, one of our features would have some similarity. We don't look alike at all."

"Who told you?" His blood draining from his face.

"It's obvious," 'she' shrugged, "Now leave and don't come back unless you have my wine." 'She' said, kicking him out.
