The night before the competition.

It was late in the evening, slowly the dark sky with millions of twinkling stars shrouded the capital. Different colored night lamps illuminated the crowded streets, making the scenery more beautiful. The streets of the capital are bustling with people. Many people all across the province came to watch the tournament. Even some higher nobilities from other provinces joined in for fun.

Di Cheng and Mora stood near the window and watched the crowded streets.

"I have been watching people in the streets like this for almost a decade but I never got bored with it," he sighed with emotion.

"Yes, it was a rare sight to see how peaceful the world right now is!" Mora commented. She wanted to stay in this peaceful environment forever.

Knock! Knock!

Their amicable mood was broken by a door knock when Mora opened the door and then Di Xinyue came in carrying a set of clothes.

"Cheng'er!... How did you become so handsome in just a few hours? Okay, come here, I specially prepared clothes for you. You have to wear them for the competition." Di Xinyue was surprised to see how attractive her son has become and told the purpose of her visit.

"Mother, I am not participating in the competition. Do I really need to wear such a flashy dress? I am just attending the tournament." Di Cheng smilingly asked.

Di Xinyue tapped him on his forehead and said, " You will be seen by many people tomorrow for the first time. How can I do nothing about it? Wear them tomorrow."

Di Xinyue turned towards 'Mora', she thought of her as a normal maid and ordered, " You will be responsible for the young master's daily routine tomorrow. Make sure to get him properly dressed."

Mora bowed and nodded, " Lady Xinyue, I will take care of the young master."


"Big brother Long, where have you been? I have been searching for you. Father also didn't let me look for you. I have been bored these days." Fei Ling pouted at her brother.

"Ling'er, I have been cultivating, didn't I told you to not disturb me." Fei Long said with slight annoyance.

Fei Ling's face turned sad, and she spoke no more.

"Long'er, I had all my hopes on you. You have to win the tournament." Fei family head Fei Shui said to his son.

"Don't worry father, tomorrow those fellows will not stand a chance, even Bu Shen." Fei Long said with confidence.

In another courtyard.

"Bu Shen did you prepare everything for the tournament. I want you to win it. I don't want to lose that first spot in the family rankings, it is all about our prestige." Bu Fan ordered his son.

"Haha!... Father, who is going to win me this time? I am already in the ninth stage Elementary Dao Realm." Bu Shen said smilingly. He certainly knew well that the fellows from Tu, Su, Chu, and Xi's family are not his match, all he has to do now is defeat Fei Long, Mu Yin, and Di Chen.

"Hmm…. Even if it is like that, you have to be careful." Bu Fan nodded his head in satisfaction.

"Mu Yin, don't be stubborn, listen to me after this tournament is over, I am thinking of arranging an engagement for you with Bu Shen. They are the top ranking family for many years. If we have ties with them, you will have a bright future." Mu Peng advised his daughter. For the purpose of making his family stronger, he wanted to sacrifice his daughter. If he was able to form an alliance with the Bu family, his Mu family's position will become stable, there will be no one to threaten them in the entire province.

"Father!! What are you saying!? You know exactly what type of scoundrel Bu Shen is! You still want to make me marry him!?" Mu Yin shouted at her father. She could not believe what she heard! Her father wants to use her as a pawn for the family.

Even though it is very common in this cultivation world, to use marriage to strengthen the family position. It cannot be applied to her because she is a genius of her Mu family and has the right to choose what she wants to do.

"Father! I am going to beat the hell out Bu Shen tomorrow. You will change your mind then." Mu Yin declared. She wanted to show her family what she was capable of.

Imperial Palace.

"Yan'er, you don't need to worry about the black dome issue. Master and I will take care of it. You rest for today, tomorrow you will attend the tournament with me." Ji Xian said.

"Father, I not only want to attend but also want to have a spar with the winner." Ji Yan'er said. She specifically came home for this event, she doesn't want to miss the chance to showcase her skills to the entire Tian province.

Ji Xian was surprised to hear her, still nodded. If it is just a spar he can accept it, and he also wanted to see his daughter's growth for the past year.

Inside the Di family courtyard.

Di Zian and his wife Xinyue were sitting side by side in silence.

Di Zian broke the silence, "Is it really a good thing to expose Cheng'er tomorrow."

"You don't need to be worried about that. He will be there to watch the tournament and not to participate. Even so, what is the problem? You also saw how strong our son is." Di Xinyue was proud of her son. She was always positive about her son's strength.

Even though Di Zian was skeptical about his son's strength, he has no reason to refute his wife's words because he also saw with his own eyes how strong Di Cheng was.

"Don't fret over these matters, our son will be alright. Take a good rest, you have been working nonstop for days." Di Xinyue consoled him.

Di Zian nodded, he was the patriarch of the Di family, and he has to be in good health for tomorrow's tournament.

As for his son's matter, he will cover for him if anything happens.