Am I not dependable?

"Really, a glue gun?" - Raymond

"You are going to escape my questions like this? Looks like you are sleepy." - Raymond

"No I am not but I guess you must be. You had a long day. Rest well" - Akira

She wrote the text with a heavy heart because honestly, sleep was miles away from her. All that she wanted to do was to chat with him right at that moment.

"I am not" - Raymond

Her heart fluttered and roamed in multiple dimensions after seeing his message. That was all that she wished for.

"Neither am I" - Akira

"Then answer my question" - Raymond

"What do you want to know?" - Akira

He wanted to know everything about her. Right from what she liked to eat to what she liked to wear. Her childhood memories to her late night gossips. He wanted to be a part of everything but didn't know how to. So he decided to take baby steps.

"What's your deal with that knife guy?" - Raymond