The terrace - 3

Akira's eyes were misted up as she recollected the times when Vikram stood next to her all rock solid. She turned towards him and said,

"This is just beautiful. Thank you for being a part of my life and thank you for re-creating everything again tonight".

Vikram didn't say a word in reply and just pulled her chair close to his and made her rest in his embrace and then said,

"Our memories together are the most beautiful and the most prized possession that I have", and planted a small kiss on her head which was lying on his shoulders.

Katherine saw Vikram getting all close with Akira and she frowned. But she somehow didn't let her emotion be reflected and continued after detaching herself from Shawn's embrace.

"You stood next to me when I broke things at home and took the blame, you stood by me when I was at my lowest when I lost my people who meant everything to me. You gave me the shoulder to cry on", said Katherine and softly touched Shawn's shoulder.