GCG - Topsy Turvy

Vikram's jaws were clenched, and the blood inside him erupted in anger. He turned and saw Raymond walking all wide in pride and that sight was unbearable for him.

He had planned hard really hard.

He had arranged for some questionable pictures of some of the GCG council members and had forced them to make these last-minute changes in the game rules to favor him. He was so hell-bent on crushing Raymond's dream and his identity that in an inside deal he had purchased another company - 'Compton Ltd' and provided them with all the information so that they can rule over the contest.

But everything went into the drain.

All the money that he had invested, all the hours that he spent. He couldn't understand how Raymond was able to foil his ironclad, fail-proof plan.

But he himself was also a man of wit who always had a plan B ready as a backup. He was not ready to cave in. Not so fast.

After calming his nerves, he called up Peter again,

"Patch me through to the Compton tech lead".