Save my son !!!

After returning back from the office David was on his way to his home when he received a call from Mr. Walker. He never liked it when he called. It was like he was sort of a bad omen for him. His call always meant like he was going to tell something bad. But as he was his boss, irrespective of his feelings he just picked it up.

"Hello, Mr. Walker".

"Hello David"

"How may I help you?"

"How you may help me... Let me guess. Maybe by telling me first about the whereabouts of my son?"

"Oh, he has accompanied Dr. Smeathe for a medical conference to London. I mean you must be knowing that Raymond is one of the most prominent cases of study for 'Acquired Prosopagnosia', so as she is presenting a paper on his case study, he has gone there to meet other doctors and to figure out if anything more is possible to do for his current situation".

"I am aware of that part".

"Then what other information do you want?"