Kyo and Izuku are now 14 years old. A lot has happened since Kyo's first day of school. For one, the brothers don't share a bed anymore, they used to lay with their heads popping out the top and bottom, but now they have their own beds. Their room isn't separated at all, the only real difference is the black bed with a pale green duvet, along with a few new books about bugs mixed into the hero theme portfolios, and life stories. 'Kacchan' seems to respect Kyo's strength enough to tone down the bullying (in exchange for more fights). Kyo is quite popular despite his soul rendering gaze. He even has a fan club, no doubt fawning over his favorite bench. Zuku has been training under tutor of Kyo, for footwork, and stamina, in order to raise his chances of being accepted into UA.
Izuku; much to his chagrin, hasn't grown all that much. He still has some healthy baby fat, to go along with his freckles. The main difference, being his height, which has improved... a bit.
While Kyo has grown leaner, now proudly taller then Bakugo. His face has grown more mature; now more serene and peaceful, yet content and serious. He can now force expressions... it takes a lot of effort though, and has learned some minor body language.
The sudo-twins were always together, Izuku uses Kyo's calmness as an anchor to quell his nervousness, and Kyo uses Izuku's bright atmosphere to keep hope for his brothers future. When the brothers weren't at school, they act like storm chasers, tracking down hero fights for research, entertainment, and exercise.
"C'MON CLASS! You're middle school seniors. It's time you start thinking seriously about your futures!" Implored the mad scientist looking home room teacher. "I'll be handing out printouts oof your chosen life-courses!"
"But, you all want to go to the hero course, don't you?"
"YEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!" All the teen monsters, showing off their quirks, on a pointless show of bravado, but two.
"Don't lump me with everybody else! You can't compare me with the rest of these weak-a*s quirks! C'mon man!"
"YOU GOT A BIG MOUTH BAKUGO!" Shouted a big mouthed classmate, with a geometric elongated face.
"Oh, I'd forgotten. Bakugos shooting for YUUEI high, isn't he?" Recounted the teacher. Shoutings of disbelief and awe, followed.
"Aren't The Midorias aiming there to?" Asked a girl in the back.
Bakugo's ravings cut of with a "Tch". Collectively the class went silent, some stifling laughs while others took this opportunity to 'observe' Kyo's physic.
"You better feel lucky your body guards here, 'cuz otherwise YOUR DEAD MEAT DEKU!" The ashen blond blasted the poor boy's desk, to emphasize his point. Only to hear the sound of water, whispers, and the sound of steel sharpening steel. Kyo had brandished his nail in warning.
The albino porcupine chose to ignore the blatant threat, in favor of getting back to his seat.
"R-right well, class dismissed!" The teacher hesitated at disrupting 'sharp' tension, and relented the dismissal of the class.
Bakugo immediately trudged out of the class, with an expression of tasting salt.
The twins always took the scenic route Home. This way they walk by villain hotspots and hero organizations. Earlier today they heard All Might made an appearance, after an amorphous villain chose to rob a bank, by carrying the money within his own body, though some still got out as he ran.
"You think he's here to teach at Yuuei? There were a few rumors on the forum, but no trusted evidence, just speculation."
"Well I mean... we can only hope right?"
"Hmm... May be you can dilute it's viscosity? Unless there's a core or a solid part for seeing, talking, or scratching that it might be linked to there's not much you can do. Well not like you need to worry about that with your SOUL n' spirit attacks."
"Well you don't really do much else."
"Haha, very funny"
*KONK* A man hole cover fell to the ground.
"WELL, WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?" Quickly turning around, Kyo gets pushed away from Zuku, by an ugly flubber with whitish, that barely keep their own shapes, and two vain-less eye balls showing an ugly grin. "TWO DISGUISES, IN MY SIZES! THE GREEN ONES MORE... INCONSPICUOUS 'and less creepy'."
Kyo immediately gained his bearings. 'Zuku's turning into a body bag. I have to act quickly.' Without hesitation, he charges with his sword materializing, and SOUL Vessel active.
The slime villain was to slow to gain enough momentum to swat him away, and got slashed across the eyes by a white flash. The glob then splashed, loosing all viscosity, while his teeth returned to the dark green goo of his body. Leaving a coughing and sputtering Izuku on his hands and knees.
It was then Kyo had noticed a large silhouette stepping out of the shadows, revealing a casually dressed All Might. Despite this shocking development, Kyo elected to helping Izuku by weakly patting his back, and giving him a hand up. It was then, all hell broke loose.
"OMG! All Might?!-" Kyo wasn't really paying attention... a half, of a pale carved rock glinted, declaring this peculiar baubles existence. Kyo slowly approached it. Not for a second breaking eye contact, it seemed so ghostly, as if threatening to disappear any second. Cautiously he picked it up. It was smooth, it had an oval hole at the bottom, some lines detailing the face, and a round wave-like hat, completing the tiny relic. It seemed to resonate with his hollow soul.
After walking further Home, the tinted teen found himself sitting. On a bench in the park. Waiting for... probably an explosion or something. When oddly enough someone sat next to him. It was short elderly lady, she had big round glasses that magnified her big dull white-less maroon eyes, long grey frazzled hair, a darker, heavy, and fluffy over-coat, and an even gloomier... robe? To say she was odd, was an understatement.
"You are the Empty One? Yet you feel. How strange." She murmured absently. "OH! How rude of me. I am Seer: the dream keeper support hero, my quirk gives me the ability to see spirits, and enter their dreams. An I would like to give it to you. Now... do you accept?" Despite how shady it might sound, her demeanor seemed extremely earnest.
"I'm glad you asked, I would have forgotten! OH ho ho ho ho ho, it's very simple. Give me your right hand." Slightly confused, he complied. "Now, before I continue, I must impart some knowledge! The spirits you will see are not vengeful, but are instead waiting. They wait, but can forget what for, those are the ones you must put to rest. Empty their souls so they may pass on, some you may fight, others will welcome it. Upon emptying their souls, you will gain essence. Once you can't hold any more essence, come to me and I will strengthen the quirk for you.
The form of the quirk will depend on the quirk it's grafted upon, yours will be a Nail, a Dream Nail. Now! Are you ready?"
"Now, I better get going. You to, you wouldn't want to miss the chaos now would you?"
"Oh and before I forget again! BEWARE THE INFECTION! bye~bye"
Arriving at the scene, I saw Zuku sprint out at the same Muk lookalike villain as before. But this time it was emitting it's captors explosive quirk. Said captor was of course the very 'short' fused maniac we all know and hate... Uh Cat's-Yuki? You know... the constipated kid... whatever I don't really need to know his name anyway. Anyways, the goopy villain that somehow got away, is making up for its weakness of speed by using the explosions to fend off the helpless heroes.
'I just need to sneak up on him since for whatever reason it's eyes are both looking in the same direction, AND are close together. I can use the gel-like body to boost myself over his head, and save both my brother, and the volatile... guy.'
As he was thinking of the plan he started sprinting, with no hesitation, and started summoning his gear. Dashing; he leaped into the air, grabbed a streetlight with his Mantis Claw, and dashed again. Now that he was above the villain, he used his Nail to boost himself along it's viscous mass.
By the time he was over the eyes of the amorphous human, his brother had thrown his bag pack at the 'face' of the glob, and hit an eye, making it recoil further way from its captive. At this opportune moment Kyo has started sensing the crowd of onlooker's fear and anxiousness fueled ambient SOUL, and instinctively started channeling it into an attack, but something was different.
Creating an aura of radiant SOUL, the young soul started to descend. As the audience looked at the ball of white fire, with eerie familiarity, time seemed to slow down. A power was radiating from the anomaly, and every thing else seemed to darker. Before the crowd could focus any further, it plummeted to the concrete under the villains eyeballs. The spirit burst up in a show of raw energy. And the jelly like being liquefied to a small wave. And the ground had a small crater with some water and pipes frayed and cut.
The caster himself could be seen without his cloak and mask, calmly walking to his brother, who was still stunned at the display of power.
Then as if choreographed, half the heroes all rushed to converse with the three students, leaving the support heroes to deal with the fire alone.
Needless to say, Izuku got a tonne of questions about him and his brother, since he can only sign. Kyo was more surprised he wasn't arrested for vigilantism, since he used his quirk to fight under what could be seen as a disguise, instead the heroes seemed very excited at the prospects of him joining their agencies.
Now walking home in peace, the twins were talking about what had happened leading up to the main fight. Zuku told his brother that All Might thinks he can't be a hero without a quirk, this had for some reason, gotten the taller brother saddened.
"Because he's the best hero ever! Who would know what it takes better then him?"
"Tha-That's not what I mean Kyo, I- *sigh*"
"*sniff* I'm sorry Kyo, I didn't mean to doubt you!" Zuku's fists were clenched to his side, while Kyo couldn't help but pat his head.
"FOR I'M HERE!" *SPLUTTER* The Idol made himself known, before immediately proofing in smoke and reverting into a tall skinny blonde man, with two folded golden rabbit ears, whilst coughing up a river of blood.
'Huh, I wondered how he got through the man hole cover without breaking it. It's either this, or the manhole was HUGE.'
"All Might!? What are you doing here? How'd you escape the press?" Zuku questioned.
"Giving them the slip is as easy as pie. I mean I'm not the number 1 hero for nothing kid." The skinny man replied with a less-than flamboyant tone. "Oh, and you must be Kyo Midoria, young Midoria spoke very highly of you."
"Uh, I'm sorry I don't understand sign language. But, you were most impressive against that slime villain, neither of you seemed to hesitate, while the pro heroes just stood to the side. If you two hadn't been there, then the situation would have gotten much worse."
"B-But if it weren't for me, he wouldn't have gotten free in the first place!"
"That's not it. Let me tell you something, the most famous of heroes, all have something in common. Their origins all have the following lines:"
By now Kyo had his hand on his shoulder, as he crouched down, shaking in anticipation. "'My body moved on its own, before I could think!' Young men, I think you two can become heroes!"
This is the story of two brothers, fighting fates and prophecy, to help those in need, and fight those who are lost.