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Fairy Tail Guild hall

Late Afternoon

Ichigo was currently catching the guild up on what had happened recently. He tryed to make the Thousand Year Blood War against Ywatch less scary then it was but the more experienced wizards in the group including Makarov knew better. He may have fooled people like Jet and Troy that it was a tough battle with no losses, but the look in the substitute soul reaper's eyes along with the group that fell through the portal said otherwise.

It had to be a long hard bloody battle to have looks in their eyes. "In the end I beat him. I used one last Getsuga Tenshou thanks to the help of Renji and Aizen. Ywatch died and Soul Society was safe." Ichigo finished.

He even showed using a lacrima the killing blow against Ywatch that ended the war once and for all.

"Wait you mean to tell me that the guy who sent you back to your world and was evil and caused you to lose your power... helped you?" Natsu questioned, the final part clearly confusing him a great deal. "Yeah he did. I may still not like the guy but I can give him the benifit of saying that he helped soul society in the end." Ichigo said. Everyone took a second to process what they saw. Erza and Mira now looked at Ichigo with sympathy and pain for their freind. The thought of him having to deal with such a thing left a knot in their stomachs. He was holding back a lot of information about what exactly happened. Though his eyes and body language was enough to tell the parts he couldnt say verbally.

'How many people did they lose? From the sounds of it a lot of people died who were good friends.' Erza thought. This battle was playing out in her head quite vivedly. She could tell that he needed someone to confide in the rest. He felt like the danger wasnt over yet. That maybe this world was in danger too. Though he didnt feel anything the fear was there and it reeked off him very suttlely. The only one who noticed was FairyTail's Guildmasters. They knew what he was thinking.

That thought pained them a bit becuase with what they just saw Ywatch did die, but the fear of destruction from him caused many soul reapers post tramatic stress. As if it was just an endless loop that the soul reapers knew excisted. Hearing that Ichigo broke his zanpakto against Ywatch didnt help either relive anyone either.

"Well the past is the past and I'm sure that you defeated him with utmost surtenty. So for now lets celibrate the return of Ichigo!" Makarov stated effectively ending the fear that was starting to grow in the room. People partied to their hearts content. Even the soul reapers except for Ichigo joined in. Makarov had Ichigo follow him to the back room to talk for a minute. "I understand what your feeling at this current moment. You fear that by being here that you are a danger to this guild. That Ywatch will come here to cause more pain, dont you?" He said, his tone was stern but at the same time soft. Ichigo's eyes flew open at the fact that Makarov read through him. It was as if he could feel exactly as Ichigo did. No matter how hard he tried he couldnt hide it. "Listen my boy, you defeated him recently. Just becuase your here doesnt mean that you are a danger. We are a family and familes stick together. If he does come here then we will fight like hell to protect each other whether we win or not. Stop worrying about what might happen if you know it wont. Look at everyone, they are perfectly safe and sound right now." Ichigo looked up at Makarov not hiding the fear any longer. "I failed to save The old man. I may have defeated Ywatch but not before he destroyed much of soul society. Not before he hit me with a reality check. I am stronger now than ever before. But if Aizen wasnt there-" Ichigo begane only to be cut off by Makarov. " It doesnt matter now. What was done in the past can not be changed. All you can do now is live in the moment and look to the future. It will be alright I promise you." At that Ichigo apeared to have calmed down a bit. His heart slowed a bit he want thinking about that fear anymore. "Alright but promise me one thing...."

Fairytail Guild Main hall

Ikakku was having the time of his life. He just won a arm wrestle against Elfman and then drank a whole pint for of booze. He felt light headed but could still stand. When Natsu looked at him he smiled " Come get some ya punk!" He shouted. Natsu grinned and the two began to beat each other up in a match. Both not using anything but their fists. This caught thr attention of Kenpachi. "A fight! Hell yeah count me in. Where's Ichigo I want to fight him!" He said. "Dunno, guess your gonna have to settle with me!" Gajeel said. The two then began a fight of their own. Soon the guild was in a fairly large bar fight. "Would you knock it off!!!!" Hitsugya yelled releasing some reatsiu in the process. This normaly when Ichigo used to do this be an instant effect of stopping the fight, but this time no one stopped. In turn a tick mark apeared above his fore head.

He did not like this situation one bit. If they continued then the whole building would colapes though someone else who did something similar changed that. This time it was Ichigo. The effect Toshiro wanted occured this time. 'What the hell was the diffrence between him and I. Ichigo didnt even speak and it had more of an affect.' Hitsuguya thought now more annoyed by that rather than the fact that people were fighting. "Ichigo! Lets fight and see who's stronger." Kenpachi said clearly not getting the hint that the fights had ended. "No thanks." Ichigo said a aweat drop apearing at the side of his head. 'Please dont charge. Please dont charge....' This thought went through his head knowing thay Kenpachi was not one to take no for an answer. "Come on it'll be fun!" Yachiru said. Ichigo walked over to a table near by and sat down and everyone went back to socializing except for Kenpachi who walked over with Nozarashi now unsheathed. Ichigo tried to ignore this action but Kenpachi had other ideas. He then tried to swing at Ichigo who in turn barely dodged. Makarov stepped out to see this and realized the danger of this situation. "Hado 61: Rikujokoro!" Rukia shouted. 6 beams of light surrounded Kenpachi and held him albeit barely. He squrmied but he couldnt move "Thats enough Kenpachi no more!" Rukia shouted. He soon stopped and she released him. This effectively endded the hostility and Ichigo let out a heavy sigh. "Way to close." He said nerviously. "No kidding, if Captian Zaraki had continued the whole city would have been destroyed." Renji said. He was just as uneasy about what just happen. "Does he act this way normally?" Erza asked. "Yeah pretty much." Ichigo said. He then sat down and relaxed for a minute. He let out a tired sigh and then fell asleep of exhuastion. 'This week has been to much.'