
Rental Shop

Phewks!!!...that was such a long day and I can say with utmost certainty that there some days that time just slows down for no reason at all and as my shity luck would have it, it was that day.

Anyway after the bell rang I tried to distract myself because I knew it was a long time from four but I failed catastrophically so I told myself "screw it" and picked up the ramshackled piece of paper in my pocket and looked at it for like the millionth time, not that I needed to because it was basically memorised in my head but I didn't want anything to go wrong.

I was not sure where this exact address was but I knew it had to be around two blocks from Tim's dinner which was where most kids hang out after school. I barely went there because I always had a church activity going on.

I got on my scooter and rode to the Tim's dinner and continued down the block looking for the address. It really wasn't that hard to find.

It looked a bit conspicuous on the outside and I was wondering to myself why I had never been to this part of Pani town. I walked in and it was just a regular store with movies and video games. Wow I expected something dark and sordid from Steve but I guess he just wanted us to play video games or something. With all the fear I was having originally banished I approached the store keeper. "Hello, do you know where I can find Steve?"

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Brad Tante, he told me to meet him here." why did I kind of feel like I was being interviewed.

"Oh the preacher's kid, neat!" Everyone in this town knew my dad, now that I thought about it I should probably have used a pseudo name or something. It was too late for that now and as I was still lost in my thoughts the store keeper who I later learned was Jim had called Steve.

"Hey, come to the back with me" I snapped back into my reality and followed Steve to the back.

"Wwwhhhaaatttt??!!!" my mind must have short circuited for a while. This room held so many adult rated movies all put on display like it was normal. What happened to people trying to hide their sins?! "Steve, why are we here?"

"Hahahaha, you can drop your innocent act, surely you can guess why" all this was happening a little too fast than I could process. "This is a room where all your naughty fantasies shall come a live" he continued almost in the same breath one would use while talking about the weather.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Is your friend still hard?" he asked while pointing at my crotch. 'This guy had no shame' I thought at the time but I still nodded as a response.

"So u must be imagining doing naughty things to someone's daughter." he said looking directly at me. Sensing no reaction "someone's son?" he asked further while staring at me like he could read my mind. "no? someone's mom then?" I twitched a little when he said this and he laughed so hard as a response.

"You naughty dog! Who would have thought!!!" he said as he continued to laugh like it was the most hilarious thing ever as I stood there motionlessly. "Don't worry, I guarantee confidentiality for all my clients"