'One second, what the hell am I even saying?', was the first thought that came in my mind but maybe saying that Frecia was my girlfriend wasn't so bad. I could just tell her later that its not like that and I was just trying to save her there or she might be sad that I took advantage of the situation.
"She...she's your girlfriend. But you are a..
Whatever, sorry for the trouble then.", The first guy said and at his signal the other two also went with him
I was shocked I didn't expect the first one to just leave like that but well, good for me.
I made my way through the crowd to the place where I was sitting earlier and told her why I had done what I had done. She was outstandingly calm about it despite the fact that the boys were trying to harass her in one way or the other(And Afcourse she was not a person who would like getting harassed, one second, is there really a person like that?). She thanked me and here we are staring into the silence thinking of something to talk about. This situation is really, really awkward I don't even know what to talk about in parties. Should I just talk about normal things.
"How do I look?", Frecia asked in her cute and sweet voice.
It was a pretty normal question but I don't know why but I just couldn't say to her what I really felt. I felt that she looked the cutest in the world.
But, "You look good.", was my reply. I thought at this reply her smile might fade but her smile became even more magnificent after my reply. I was immediately embarrassed to say that.
Suddenly, out of nowhere two girls who studied in my grade came up to Frecia and asked her to take a drink from them. But something felt weird, someone was staring us, I smartly tried to observe my surroundings and I caught a glimpse of the boy who was with the previous ones trying to harass Frecia. He was the one who hadn't said anything.
It meant that the drink was probably not a juice and maybe alcohol. But if I asked Frecia to not take the drink, then nothing will work out in my way. A brilliant idea, came up in my mind. Calzar (Portuguese) was a boy I knew quite well and he used to smoke.
"Calzar, will you give me your lighter. The purple light kind of doesn't illuminates some parts thus there are blind spots and I have to..."
"You can take it, don't worry.", Calzar interrupted.
I took his lighter and acted as if I was trying to illuminate a part of the non-alcohol drinking place. When Frecia was going to drink the juice which was probably not. I acted and passed quickly while I kept Calzar's lighter on. And as I had suspected the surface of the drink started burning. What it meant was that the drink contained alcohol.
"Sorry, I was just trying to...", I quickly changed my words.
"It's burning. This contains alcohol.", I said to Frecia while I pointed towards the drink the girls were trying to offer and as soon as I had derived this the girls acted as if they didn't know about and all the cocky and girly stuff. The girls went back and the guy who had most probably ordered them to do so looked disappointed.
The party ended without any more trouble.
I was walking Frecia to her home and again that deadly awkwardness was there and Frecia was again the first one to break it.
"Thank you. I don't know how will I be able to repay you about the things you have always done to help me? I owe you a big debt, don't I?", she asked.
"You don't owe me anything, Frecia. It's my duty to help you as your friend."
We just talked like that for some minutes until her house came and we parted ways.
I stared onto the ceiling of my room and then at a notebook with procedures on how to access dark Web safely. The note that said to look for the deep web was probably supposed to mislead me. The notebook had my sister's handwriting and technically it would have my sister's handwriting because it was hers. She used to teach me about different types of things in ethical hacking, programming and accessing deep web. I was excellent at most of the but I sucked at accessing deep web safely. So she made a special note book for this for me.
And now I had to do this. Access the dark web and probably get hacked so I used the laptop I had rented out from a shop. And I didn't even realize that it was here that everything would REALLY begin.