Chapter 13 Don't Feel Uneasy, I just need to reload it.(Pt. 1) [Season1 Ep4]

Lily was calmly sleeping in my bed without any problem. (which was going to cause problems for me obviously)

I mean look at her. Half of her hairs were at the bed and half were dangling. She was turned to her right side.

I don't believe this.

'Now what do I do?', this thought clouded my mind. Should I wake her up? Or should I work and then sleep on the floor? It would be a little disrespectful for a guest. If I wanted I could take her to her bed but if she waked up while that happened, it would be embarrassing.

So what do I do?

"Should I dance and hit some moves?", I said to myself

"What the hell am I saying?"

You know what, I will just work and then go to sleep on the sofa.

That won't even be disrespectful and I could make any excuse for not noticing her and any excuse for sleeping in the sofa. So...,

"Sounds like a plan to me.", I said to myself. I was going to do some mechanical stuff tomorrow so I was ready to spend an all-nighter for the hacking stuff today. Before making a smart system of mine. I had to locate the other chatbox. There were not much clues about it. So I knew it was going to be difficult.





Two hours later.



I was playing a game because I was done with that hacking thing. I am retiring. I got nothing. Maybe I have gotten old something like five thousand years old.

I will just take a nap for thirty minutes.









"What the?"

I didn't set any alarm then why the?

Of course, I didn't because I was not even in my room. I was in a forest. It was daylight so it was not scary. But still...

Huge trees towered around me. The soil was as thick and black as charcoal. Most of the trees seemed huge enough to reach the sun from my perspective.

One sec...

Then where did the sound of that alarm came from.

This is probably a dream. I knew that much from my previous experiences. But still even in a dream I wanted to be a little scientific which by the way explains why most of the time I am talking about science and computers. So there should be a place where the alarm clock would be...

There should be a tent near. I looked around desperately. Even though I had gone through maybe one of the most scariest dreams of the world. I was still scared and desperate to get out. I heard screech of a car and at the same time heard the sound of alarm from that car screech's opposite direction.

«Where to go? Just where should I go? The car screech or the alarm.»

The next sound declared where to go.


And next I heard.

A BULLET SHOT from the direction of that car screech. So it was now obvious that I wasn't going towards there. I was just going towards my tent. But the more closer I got to that sound, the farther it seemed.

It was pretty weird. I mean its not possible scientifically.

And the thing that was more creepy was that the farther I moved away from the direction of the car tires screeching the nearer it seemed as if Fate and Destiny were fixated.

I wanted the dream to end so I changed the directions and started to go in the opposite direction. I saw blood stains on the ground and I felt I was going to throw on myself. I heard the unpleasant buzzing of infinite houseflies over a dead man's or woman's body, more particularly face. I didn't even want to look at that person because I knew that would be someone I knew.


Why the hell does this time the alarm clock(alarm on a phone of course) seems near?

I naturally reached out and FLASH I was back and it seemed that I had taken a nap of more than two hours.

That's not even a nap anymore, is it?

"And she was GONE?"

Lily was no longer there on my bed sleeping as if she owned that bed. Uhh.. that's a little disrespectful. Weirdly I wasn't worried. I was... I was... (sigh) CALM and EXCITED. I was like 'lets do this shit, hell yeah..'

I meant hacking if you didn't understand.

So the best course of action for me was probably to access a backdoor in the previous chat box. A back door would allow me to behave as any user I want to act as in the group and then ask for the password and where would I find the other chat box to that scumbaggy person who's trying to brainwash the children in the group to destroy their hope.

Accessing a backdoor is actually not that tough if you can crack some firewalls and security hack loops and virusisation and...What was more?

Getting inside the flow of data was the main task.

The most important and the most easiest.

In two minutes I was in, cracked some firewalls, evaded some loops. And just like that now I had accessed the backdoor so I could act as anyone in the group and ask that terrorist the password of the other chatbox.

I chose to act as a guy whose code name was 'AZ¥€$£'.

In the previous chatbox I asked that terrorist through any of the code writings I had seen till now.

"93728201838482271938373929201839949389291928838384917385930287172848943884388191019284849390181717", I asked.





I was hundred percent sure, that the terrorist would have been fooled but now I was sweating like hell as if I was in a microwave. I was trembling.

"Did I get caught?", I kept asking this to myself.

What he said was totally leading to that after all,

"Daniel, You aren't like yourself today, You worthless piece of pig shit.", Was his reply.