Battle for the Star team

"Thank you so much," was what Tyler said to Mr Marcus when he saw the underground training center that Mr Marcus built for him. Mr Marcus built a large and beautiful underground training area for Tyler. The training center was located under Tyler's house and was for Tyler.

"No worries,"said Mr Marcus,"just make sure you use it."

"I promise I will,"said Tyler.

"You can also let your friends down here,"

"Which ones ?"asked Tyler.

"Only Skyler, Jenny and Denis,"

As they walked around Tyler saw a motley painting on the wall, he felt as if he had seen the exact same painting somewhere else. Tyler continued to tour the area with Mr Marcus. He saw the room he also saw a bunch of training robots and androids. As they continued he saw a room with a large computer screen. Me Marcus told him that that computer controls the whole area.

As they finished their tour Mr Marcus reminded Tyler about the battle for the Star team and told him to join because there was space for only three more groups. Me Marcus told Tyler that he needed a group to add him before he could enter the competition or he could make his own group, Mr Marcus told him that he needed at least four members in his group and at most seven members. After saying all that he went home.

Tyler went up to the parlour to ask Skyler if she would agree to join his group, since she agreed he went to the kitchen and asked both Jenny and Denis and they both agreed. Tyler took all of them to the kitchen where they watched hi put in a pattern on the wall. The wall opened up the they all walked inside the elevator and it dropped one-hundred feet down but before it hit the ground it stopped. The elevator doors opened and they were in the Training area open feeling dizzy. Tyler stepped out feeling dizzy. It took about thirty-seconds for them to regain themselves. They all walked out of the elevator. Tyler took them around the training area. When he was done he told Mr Marcus to sign them up into the competition.

Mr Marcus told Tyler that the competition was the next day, out of shock Tyler dropped his phone and caught it when it was a couple of centimetres away from the ground. Tyler continued to speak with Mr Marcus but this time it was with anger.

"What is the name of your group?"said Mr Marcus,"It must be a coloraturas name."

"I wanna call it Gold."

"Ok, bye,"

Tyler hung up then went back up to his room. He stayed there for some minutes thinking about his life then he went back down to the training area. He spent hours training. He went into the virtual reality room and linked Celina up with the room and told her to project different scenarios for him to train. After that he trained himself to aim better in the Virtual reality room by telling Celina to make targets for him to aim at. When he was done with the aiming training he trained with the drones in a three to one fight. When he was done he tried to make his teleportation faster so he went to one of the rooms that could measure speed and there he teleported to different areas in the room and when he was done he checked his average speed which was twelve milliseconds. He also did the three minutes pushup test and judged himself with the Rooney's rating scale and he was on the excellent range according to the scale he was extraordinary. He also did some other things. When he was done it was night so. Tyler went to shower and showered then he went to bed.

He woke up ready for the day he planned to skip the classes he had for that day because of the competitions. He took Skyler, Jenny and Denis down to the training area then he trained them for some a few hours before the competition. When their training was over they showered and came down to the kitchen where they met Tyler.

They had arrived five minutes before the competition where they saw everybody watching a movie playing on a big screen. Tyler realized that the purpose of the show wasn't to regale people but to take their minds of the competition.

A loud electric bell rang in the place where everyone was. Everybody stood with their teammates. Tyler stood with his team then Mr Marcus entered the room with a megaphone and said the rules of the competition and all the events.

It started with a free for all and people were allowed to use powers and it was taking place on a high circular platform. Tyler used his optic blast to take out four people then he saw a guy trying to running towards him so when he was close enough he teleported behind him and pushed him off. Tyler looked down as the person fell. When he looked back at the platform he saw Jason trying to push of Skyler but before Tyler could reach Jason had already pushed Skyler off the platform. It was now only two people remaining, Jason and Tyler. Jason used his duplication powers to make more of himself. Tyler started absorbing all the electricity from the building and before anybody Jason could stop him he flew up and shot electricity on the ground. Jason and all his duplicates fell. The duplicates disappeared in a matter of seconds, then it was only Tyler and Jason and Tyler was the only one standing so he was announced the winner by Mr Marcus. Me Marcus announced that Tyler's team was awarded twenty points which made them in the lead.

After thirty minutes the next round started it was a hunt. They were to look for a yellow ball. Everyone entered the virtual reality room and it turned into a snowy place. Tyler searched with all his team members. From the way their search was going Tyler felt hapless. While they were searching Jenny ran of and the others followed. They saw her hugging another girl so they went over to her. Tears were in Jenny's eyes as she hugged the girl. Tyler asked Jenny who it was and Jenny said it was her sister. While Jenny was with her sister the others continued the search.

As they continued searching the room went back to normal because there was a winner. It was Jessica from team White.

The competition continued with the remaining events. The combat tournament was won by Jenny and the team puzzle was won. The last event was the team puzzle which was wine by Tyler's team.

When they piled up the results the star team was Tyler's team. Happily Tyler,Skyler,Denis went home while Jenny stayed with her sister Morgana.