14. Evan Laguna and Jake Part 3


Diana spoke seriously unlike her jolly self, "That's true, That weapon will change a lot of dimensions in naval and land warfare, Meanwhile, Father has approved your request which you made earlier, from now on Bluesea house will support North-frontier town to their fullest. It seems it was because of this weapon that changed the opinion of elders in the house and father was able to openly support you."

Vlad spoke with a happy tone as he smiled after hearing the good news, "It's good or else I would have to support them in my personal capacity as I already gave him my word."

Diana said smilingly, "Well, I too would have supported this city as I have taken quite a liking to this ever-changing city so you don't have to worry much if it comes to funds. Additionally, John is quite interesting unlike others who I have always encountered. What about that guy who was training under you? ooh, lets first head to the site and check where the fight is going on."