97. Songs have power that can bring down kingdoms.

John immediately indicated to everyone in the conference, "Okay, continue with the meeting, we need to take a lot of decisions today,"

A lot of people were shocked by the background of Sally but still calmed down and focused after hearing John's roar.

Mayor Sam was the first one who gave his opinions, "Lord, won't the royal family instantly support Duke Fjord with such a decision? As this might backfire us."

Tornwall smiled as he understood why were these radical decisions were taken by John suddenly after the verdict of King Lionheart. He thought, 'I guess the creation of the Cannon was one of the major reasons and the discovery of Aurora Island why lord has decided to take these actions. I guess Lord's plans are moving forward to create a kingdom. However, there will be a lot of blood. I guess the Royal family will only pay for it because of their greed.'