160. These Debts will be repaid.


In the castle, a lot of soldiers were fiercely fighting against Prince Lukavv and his men. There was no morale among the soldiers after not spotting their commander for a long time. While Prince Lukavv had just killed their temporary commander in a duel previously. Prince Lukavv was in full black armor with a cape which seemed to be filled with runes. He had Bow at his back while at the same time he was equipped with a Red Blood Sword which had become quite rusty. But looking at the sword you can feel that it had its will. He slashed the commanders without any sweat. It seemed as if he was releasing his anger which was bottled up years ago on this battlefield. Without using the magic he was easily able to slash the commander.

The commander was shocked that Lukavv was easily able to block his attack, "How is it possible? I am one of the top 30 men under Prince Felix."