You deserve it

As Talia walked out of the CEO office, she noticed Rachel fuming and left without engaging with her. She really was not in the mood for it.

She went to the restroom to wash her face since she felt dizzy. All she wanted now was to go and curl up in her comfortable bed and sleep. She felt like she was working more than she gets paid.


Stacy suddenly appeared as Talia turned at the corridor leading to the elevator surprising her.

"Yeah," Talia said after a slight gasp.

"Thank you for...Just now I was informed that I'm not fired, " Stacy said twirling her already curled locks. Her every demeanour spoke volumes about her timid nature.

""You knew I got the security footage and why didn't you speak up to Joe?" Talia said with a sigh and her lips were pursed. It is a fact that Stacy is the victim and why won't she speak up? Does she realise how easy it is for one to get destroyed if they are not sure of themselves?

Seeing Talia displeased, Stacy looked apologetic and she was on the verge of crying. Her pretty brown eyes misted with a layer of fluid making her look pitiful.

"Go home and rest for today. And... Be assertive. Only you can save yourself," Talia said in a soft tone seeing Stacy's lips getting dry. She surely doesn't know how to comfort someone and she didn't want Stacy to cry.

It's not like I'm mean, right? I'm just advising her.

"Okay," Stacy nodded wiping the corner of her eyes, sniffing her nose. With her eyes brightening up with a smile she added, " And, Talia... Do you mind visiting my grandmother tonight for dinner? She'd make an apple pie especially for you. You liked it when you came to our home previously, right? My entire family misses you... My dad... "

"Not today," Talia interjected and felt bad seeing Stacy's bright, enthusiastic eyes saddening once again. Watching her face is like watching those animated movies with some cute creatures in it, Talia felt.

"Okay," Stacy said with an awkward smile. Her feet were together and she gave a slight bow. Talia didn't know what else to say to her and walked to the elevator and pressed the button.

As the elevator door closed, she saw Stacy who was still standing there, waving to her and Talia nodded back. Talia knew Stacy just for an year and she is not someone who gets chummy with people easily. But of all the assistants she had, Stacy is the best as she knew her preference and act accordingly. She is timid and indecisive at times but she finishes her job perfectly and that's all Talia needed.

Stacy has a pretty good family. Talia have visited Stacy's family once with Rebecca during a weekend. Stacy's family was entirely different that any family she's known. It was filled with laughter and happiness and everyone loved each other. Just watching them was peaceful. Stacy and her brother would play pranks on their mother, sit on the dining table and even throw food at each other. Her home seemed to have not much rules either. Extremely opposite to her family.

As she remembered her family, she got that odd feeling once again. The moment she saw Stacy's father, she felt like she had met him somewhere. But soon she shook herself off such thoughts. It is highly unlikely and Talia didn't want to think about it.

Hearing the jingle her keys made as she opened her door, Mrs. Johnson came with a tupperware container and Talia with a smile got it. She locked the door properly and threw the keys in her key bowl. She fixed the marble key bowl properly seeing it moved from how it is set. It must have happened when she left hurriedly. She removed her shoes and placed it in the cabinet at the foyer.

Placing the container on the kitchen counter, she went straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower and changed to a knee length silk slip. It was her sleepwear as she prepared for bed.

Feeling clean, she started her laundry humming the lazy song and walked to the kitchen counter and opened the container to see a nice chicken waldorf sandwich and her tummy grumbled.

But then her eyebrows knitted realising something.

Why did Arthur try to coerce her to return by hacking the firm and didn't use Mrs. Johnson? That would be much more easy and productive. He could have just drugged her using Mrs. Johnson and brought her back without any troubles. She is eating the food Mrs. Johnson makes without fail. Why did he go for such method hiring someone else?

And Mrs. Johnson seems normal and acts like she always does. She is just giving her food and... She must be reporting to someone. Talia was sure of that.

Talia never felt any malice from Mrs. Johnson since she treated her with care, like it was her pleasure to serve her. She even sends her grandson to her at times.

But what would she know about people? They could be all smiles in front of you and stab you in the back the next moment!

But still... She without worry let's her grandson stay with her. She won't hurt her... Most likely.

And... It could be that...

Mrs. Johnson is not hired by her grandfather or Arthur. They don't want her dead, she was sure.

If so, who hired her? And why?

It can't be the Royals. She specifically asked them to let her be. And she is not that important for them to protect her 24/7.

A thought came to her mind.

Could it be...

Talia went and picked up her phone from her purse and scrolled through her contacts. Her neatly pedicured finger, paused at a contact.


Her slender finger hovered over that name for a while and in the end she threw her phone on the counter.

'There is no way he'd be sending people to protect me'

If so...

Talia took a deep breath and with no change in her expression threw the contents of the tupperware container into the trash.

They must want me dead! Want to kill me by the one I trust! Just like what I did!

Her hands went cold and she rubbed them together and blow in them to warm them up. Her hands shook uncontrollably and perspiration formed on her forehead as she remembered that day and the sounds of bullets, the smell of gunpowder and the look of the one who died right in front of her.

"It's better this way... Talia. If the Lockharts want you dead, you shouldn't be refusing them... You deserve it! You deserve it!", she slid through the counter and sat on the hardwood floor.

The Lockharts sure are playing an interesting game of hunt. They let her go after that incident ten years ago and made her wait for their retribution.

" Ten years... " she chuckled painfully holding her chest.

"Truer words... Revenge is a dish best served cold!"

Fear filled her heart.

When will they come for me?

How will they come for me?

What kind of terrible death is waiting for me?

She sprawled on the floor and her smudgy image reflected in the steel surface of the refrigerator and she turned away not wanting to see her own reflection.



"Why did you..."


"You wanted me to live right... ? Right?"

"Do you still want me to... Live? Or do you want me dead.?"

Tears rolled through the corner of her eyes and started to accumulate on the redwood floor.


Meanwhile in the private jet, Arthur who was looking at a blue jade hairpin he recently auctioned for her as a birthday gift, felt a turbulence in his heart and he placed his hands there.

'Are you hurting, Iris?'

He asked in his heart. He knew she didn't celebrate her birthday for ten years. For her it is the day she went through immeasurable pain.

But still... It is her birthday. He is thankful for her and wants to celebrate her birthday.

He looked at the hairpin that had a bird carved in it. According to the culture of the hairpin's designer, apparently this phoenix can be worn by royal women and women on their wedding day. The bird symbolising femininity.

She deserves it.

"Are you sure spending all your money for a gift is right?" Jordan sitting opposite to Arthur in that lavish private jet, asked.

"She might throw it in the trash without even looking at it," he added seeing Arthur putting it back in his pocket.

"You don't know her," Arthur replied closing his eyes and leaning on the comfortable seat.

"I know her enough, Arthur. In fact everyone knows her. Will our people accept her back? Even the old man cannot control a mob. You cannot blame them though. I mean, who could? She is someone who could shoot someone point blank without even flinching! Not to mention the one she shot is..."


Arthur opened his eyes gritting his teeth and his aura went cold.

"Do you believe I won't throw you out?" he asked and Jordan with a snort looked outside through the window.

"Stupid guy!" he didn't raise his voice and only mumbled inaudible. The King will throw him out surely and who knows where he might end up.?

He can't fly like a bird and so he might end up

.. On top of a car maybe?. Or over a barn?

He looked down and flinched.

"Who could say she won't do the same to him?"