Pleased With Herself

With a gasp,Talia woke up and patted her chest that was rising up and down as she was breathing heavily.

'Of all the nightmares...'

She grumbled to herself. She might even force herself to think that was a nightmare, but she knew for sure, that is one of her fondest memories.

She picked up her phone to check the phone for time and it rang at the same time.

It was Stacy who said that she was contacted by some lawyer from a popular law firm wanting to have a private talk and that she was scared. She rolled her eyes knowing it must be regarding the Campbell issue. She hung up advising her to bring a lawer with her and not to settle for any amount less than a million.

Talia knew Campbells aren't worth that much and they won't settle for that much. But if Stacy could be strong and threaten to go to court, they might settle for five hundred thousand which would be a lot.

Talia walked lazily out of her bedroom and her stomach grumbled on cue. As a pampered princess, she could never handle hunger.

And just like always, Mrs. Johnson brought her breakfast. The piping hit pancakes with syrup on top made her put all her suspicions to the back burner and after cleaning up, she ate the pancakes heartily.

The gift and the card were still on the dining table and after finishing her breakfast, she made sure they ended up where they are supposed to be.

She wondered why this year everything felt different as she threw the trash away.

With a sigh she got back to her apartment and the ex-cop who lived in her floor, gave her a smile and she smiled back and entered her unit.

She made her bed up and vaccumed the entire place and cleaned the bathroom since she was bored. There wasn't much work to be done since she always kept her apartment clean. She was borderline OCD as her friends would say. But she preferred to call herself a perfectionist.

Bored to tears, she felt like it would be better for her to go out lest her mind wanders dangerously. Even the medication seemed to be not working as she felt her anxiety rising.

So she decided to join Stacy in meeting with that lawyer to distract herself. Those kind of people are really taxing and Talia felt like it would be better for her to use her brain cells for something productive than wallowing in pitiful thoughts.

She got dressed pretty that day since she felt like it. She did a simple makeup after wearing her contacts. Wearing a ironed white formal shirt with a black pencil skirt and tights, even she herself found herself adorable.

She even wore simple diamond jewelry and did her hair in half up down style and fixed it with a barrette.

She stepped out wearing her designer Ryal blue Trench Coat and her favourite ankle boots.

As she walked out, as usual dke eyes turned at her and some lingered. She knew she was pretty. And even with little effort she can make heads turn.

She wasn't sure if she liked the attention or not. But she was always used to attention and she grew used to it. Either it was paparazzi or security, there were always eyes following her. And sometimes enemies too. And it hasn't changed yet.

Growing up with paparazzi and body guards around her, she was extremely observant. Cyrus had taught her a lot of tricks to identify people and find out if they are friend or foes.

She smirked as she noticed the couple of men following her. To be not obvious, they usually took shifts and she had seen a dozen of men following her daily wherever she goes.

She till then thought it was her grandfather's men and let them be. But with the happenings yesterday and her doubts she thought she could be from the Lion Heart Security Agency run by the Lockhart family.

She wanted to confront them and find out the truth but she already reached the restaurant Stacy mentioned.

But before she got in, she turned into an alley and one of the guy turned in behind her and she pushed him to the wall.

She knew it would go either extremely well or extremely dangerous for her but she was willing to take the chance. She wanted to find out the truth.

If he is working for the Lockhart family, a lot will change. A lot!

As she observed, the man not even trying to push her away, raised his hands in a surrendering way.


She said holding out her hand. In this modern times, one's last detail could be found in their phone if looked at the right place.


"Phone!" she asked once again gritting her teeth and he gave her the phone.

"Miss Brunton... That..." the man said and Talia smirked. He knows who I am.

"Phone... You know my grandfather has a satellite spying on me and it is right now watching me. If I give a signal, your entire family will be tracked and annihilated. You want to take a chance...? Keep my hands occupied. Give me your phone...."

She was bluffing but she knew anyone in Esteria would believe her word. Her grandfather is a scary man and no one will take a chance with him. He is capable of anything especially when it comes to her.

And as expected that man handed over his phone and Talia found out that he is in fact working for Lion Heart Security Agency.

She handed his phone back and walked out of the alley in deep thoughts. She was glad she decided to come out today. At least it cleared her doubt in one issue.

But... If the Lockharts are protecting me, does that mean they believe me? Impossible! There was a video! No one would believe me! But... Why?

In her deep thoughts, she entered the restaurant where the meeting took place and found out Stacy pretty easily. She was pretty happy to see Talia. Seeing that pretty smile made her snap out of her thoughts and concentrate on a new task.

"Good morning, Mr....?"

Talia extended her hand out to the lawyer and buttoning his designer suit jacket he stood up.

"Cooper... Steven Cooper" he shook her hand and Talia smiled politely but the oppressive aura in her eyes made the lawyer flinch. Wearing a four inch heal, she stood six feet and five inches tall, a couple inches taller than him. His confidence wavered seeing her.

Talia knew of her strengths. Her height, her beauty, her intelligence all were gifts given to her by her parents. Although those aren't the only important factors for success, those plays an important part.

For example, height is an intimidating factor. And she knew how to use her strengths for her benefit when needed.

"Mr. Cooper," Talia pointed at his seat and with a nod he sat back in his seat not knowing he has already been given up his authority over the situation to her.

The lawyer started up at fifty thousand dollars as compensation and Stacy holding her skirt looked pitifully at Talia. She was told she'd at least get two hundred thousand dollars.The lawyer beside her looked like he was an intern and he blinked his novice eyes that lacked self-confidence. She cussed Joe in her heart.

Talia sighed silently. If she wasn't here, those two would be swallowed whole by this python of a lawyer in Armani. But she had found a good way to spend some time.

"Mr.Cooper must have something against the Campbells since he wants Peter Campbell to be dragged to court," Talia smiled pleasantly and the lawyer sitting opposite her, could calculate in his mind that he had met his match.

After discussing for fifteen minutes, Stacy's hands were shaking in joy as she signed the NDA and settlement papers giving her eight hundred thousand dollars. Talia got a ten thousand dollar check to not being it up again and destroy the evidences. Talia shrugged and deleted the videos in her phone. I'd she wanted, she could get it back again.

After making sure everything was settled, she smiled pleasantly at Steven Cooper and he with his lips pursed, stuffed the signed documents in his briefcase. By the not so gentle way he was doing it, like he was punching someone in the face, one could infer how unhappy he was.

Sore loser!

Talia smiled in her heart and turned to leave the table while a sneering voice came from the next table,

"Feeling so good, Miss. Whiteford?"