Why Are You Here?

"Why are you shouting?"

Talia tried to get out of his grip and get up from the couch but his hold was tight and she couldn't get up.

"What do you want, Fred? My back hurts! Throwing me like that... I'm not young anymore, am I? " she stopped struggling and looked at the man on top of her, pouting.

In the past they used to wrestle on his bed... They called that game something like...Throw wrestling or something. They played it back in high school in his place. They would try to push each other down, trying to figure out who is stronger. It was an extremely touchy-feely game and as teenagers of opposite gender that game did have a mood of ambiguity to it. And, of course he always won. He'd do the same thing back then too. Grab her by the waist, lift her up entirely and then would push her on his bed. Then he'd pin her down and... She didn't want to think about it now.

She won once kicking him in the nuts and he fell down himself and she declared victory not realising she'd have actually killed that boy. She never tried that ever again seeing the pain he was in.

Arthur saw her eyes that made him remember the past and composed himself. Back then he has touched her everywhere. They had a pretty amorous relationship but there was a line they never crossed. They never confessed and never went further than kissing and touching.

No one stopped them from confessing but when they almost crossed the line once, it was Cyrus who barged in unannounced and pulled them apart. It was an extremely scary and annoying experience, giving them creeps realising they are being watched constantly.

Talia saw Arthur's eyes softening and his hold on her wrist loosened. She got her hand out of his grip and gently traced it on his forehead to pull back his fringes to have a good look at his face.

She realised he has changed a lot in ten years. He's gotten taller and more... Manlier. The boyish face he used to have now has changed to that of a man with a bit rough cheek and more facial hair. He used to have freckles and now it is gone. His lips... They are more attractive now.

As Talia was quietly observing the man above her she felt his face zooming closer to her and she tried to push him away. She knew he wants to kiss her and she knew she is giving mixed signals. She should have gotten out of his embrace now and not touching his face.

She tried to get out and tried to push him away but a big, warm hand grabbed her hands at the wrists and placed them above her head as his lips ended up on hers.

Talia gasped slightly as she could feel the spark igniting in her heart. The spark she thought had long extinguished and turned to ashes.

She has had boyfriends. She has kissed them. But none of them could give this same sensation Fred could give her. And she didn't have the urge to give them her body so she never slept with anyone of them before.

She tried. She tried to be normal. To fall in love and get married. But she couldn't.

She always blamed her medications for her lack of libido and her little to no interest in sensual pleasures. She had no problem in her body back then when she was a teenager when she took no medications, right? So if something changed, it must be some physical problem she thought. Her doctor also said that some people experience low libido as a side effect of the antidepressants she's taking. And so she wholeheartedly believed that to be the reason.

But who knew Fred could make her feel how she felt back then, once again?

'What does this mean? The problem is not with my body but with my mind? Or is it my heart? My heart can only accept Fred? Is that it?'

As her mind was thinking, her body has already reacted to his kisses and their kiss deepened and now his free hand was holding her around her hips and he has placed himself between her legs and his hips were grinding over her pelvis and she could feel the warmth from his excited member on her.

His tongue played its own symphony in her oral cavity and his hands found its way to her soft mounds, gently caressing them, making her moan and his bright aggression slowly conquered her consciousness slowly carrying her to the lands of the carnal desires where nothing else mattered.

But there was this small darkness that was in the corner of her heart that grew bigger as his light shone on the ugly corner bringing out the darkness.

'No! I cannot be with him! I cannot do this with him now. I need to send him away. I cannot be swayed by his provocation. But... Why him? Why is this only him? Why can't I be free of him? I cannot love him! I cannot. I should not love him. Why doesn't my heart know that? '

Arthur who was kissing could feel her not responding like she did some moments ago and he opened his eyes to look at her. Her bright eyes were open and what he saw made him halt what he was doing with his hands.


What is she afraid of? Did I scare her now? Or... Being like this made her remember something?

He didn't kiss her further. The last thing he wanted was to see her afraid.

He wanted to let her go but her mouth that was red with all his kisses made him reluctant to let go. He wanted to keep her closer to him always. Like this.

"Fred..." Talia gulped trying to get him off her but he only let her wrists go and placing a small kiss on her chin, his eyes went south.

"Hmm," his thin lips curved to a smile as Talia watched him. It looked like he found something amazing.

"It's pink," he said in a sultry voice, "I thought with your hair being brown, they'd be brown too..."

Talia who was in her own thoughts, couldn't understand what he was talking about for a full minute.


His long, slender finger gently poked the rosy pink sensitive bud in her chest and only then Talia realised what he was talking about.

A wave of shyness hit her making her entire face go red but before she could react, he bent down and placed his soft, moist lips over, making her shudder in a newfound pleasure. He's never done this before with his mouth.

His hand around her waist tightened and Talia tried to pull him off of her by pushing his head, but he didn't give up.

'Why isn't he giving up? He used to stop when I say so before! '

Talia wondered. But he seemed to be following his own instincts as he gently nibbled and kissed her sensitive spot with his tongue and lips, over the thin fabric.

Talia's back curved in pleasure and a pleasured moan escaped her lips as her toes curled.

"Iris..." he hissed, "Allow me..."

His hands wandered South of her abdomen and tried to undress her. Talia was feeling hot all over her too but her brain screamed for her to stop. She really don't want to do anything with him and her moaning under him is sending him mixed signals. She needs to reject him!

"Arthur! Enough!"

She gathered the last bit of sanity she had and pushed him away. Arthur who seemed to be in a trance himself, pulled himself away from her slowly. She could see the big bilge in his pants and he looked like he was in pain. But she couldn't care for him. Covering her chest, she ran to her bedroom and locked it.

Leaning by the door, she slid down and sat on the floor. She didn't know why she cried but tears started falling down and she hugged herself and cried.

'Why do I love you? Why am I hurting myself?'

But then she wiped her tears and stood up. Changing to a sweat pant and a t-shirt, she came out and her heart fell when she saw him lying on his belly on the couch.

"Tell me why you are here Arthur," she asked deciding to end everything then and there.

She could see him snort mockingly and she could sense he was mocking himself and it hurt her more.

"Can't I be here to see my wife?" he asked as he sat facing her.

"Just because an announcement was made that we are married, doesn't mean I am your wife, Arthur, " Talia's voice has become cold.

Wife? How am I his wife?

"Really? What if there is a marriage certificate?" he asked and seeing her not willing to reply him he smiled wryly.

"I have no idea how there is a certificate. I signed in no wedding registry! How am I married then?" Talia was angry. Just because her grandfather used his influence and somehow acquired the certificate doesn't mean she should be accepting the marriage.

" Why are you here? " she repeated. The swooning gaze she had an hour ago was not there and she looked like an entirely different person determined to get her way, making Arthur sigh.

"I'm here to bring you back to Esteria."