
While the two friends were talking inside, Arthur stood out motionless for sometime realising the great misunderstanding she had towards him.

She actually believes that Cyrus' death had the Boswell family's hand in it and they planned and did it as a means to bring her to her knees knowing how close she was with Cyrus and since she is also implicated, in a moment of desperation her grandfather had to agree to the wedding which resulted in what seems to be the win of the Boswell family.

She is not wrong to think that way though. The video of her shooting Cyrus was not first reported to the police but was broadcasted in the evening news of the private network owned by a close ally of the Boswell family.

And there could be other ways the situation could be resolved other than immediate marriage. She just had turned sixteen and he was eighteen. She on her own cannot marry since she was not an adult that time but she can marry with her family's permission according to the laws of their country.

But... They didn't have to conduct the wedding immediately. They could have announced the engagement and waited for her to become an adult which would have been the proper way to handle things.

Maybe these are all the reasons that made her think that she was forced to that marriage.

But everything that happened were entirely different.

After she came to their Manor and made a scene, she was kept in his room for the night. The Lockhart family and their men searched for her like hounds everywhere and they even created a big fuzz in the Brunton Estate. But they got news at the middle of the night that she is actually with the Sinclair family and they tried to barge in their estate but was stopped by their guards. Arthur's father was the President and the Lockhart family could t do much other than wait for Talia to leave.

Even Arthur was surprised that his father stood guard by the door himself to protect Talia. He thought his entire family hated her. His brother Ray was screaming and shouting that they should kill her themselves or if they are worried for their reputation, they should hand her over to the Lockhart family and let them kill her. He wanted to not let that crisis go to waste when such an awesome opportunity presented itself. Arthur really was worried his father would change his mind. After all the feud between the families had gone around for centuries.

But his eldest brother Roderick asked him to take care of her and promised on his honour that they will protect her. Only then Arthur was relieved. He always believed his eldest brother. And the videos and the news stories covering that incident were all taken down immediately.

But something odd happened in the early morning and the men from the Lockhart family left the Sinclair Estates rather not pleased.

Arthur didn't sleep the entire night in case someone comes for her and accompanied her who refused to even take a sip of water and kept on crying and mumbling and with every chance she got, trying to kill herself. He was entirely broken seeing her like that. But there was nothing he could do to help other than staying by her side and protecting her from others and also from herself.

The next day however, there was a call for a meeting from the Council of Elders of all the aristocratic families and Arthur's father left with Ray since he was invited for that meeting. He took Ray with him since he knew if left alone in the home, he'd create a mess especially with Talia.

Arthur didn't know what happened in the meeting but Ray came back all smiles saying their family won. It was his brother Rod who explained later that Cyrus' family encrusted locket was with Talia at the time of his death and according to the Lockhart family rules, they cannot hurt the ones with their Crested locket.

Apparently they believed, from what they've observed in the video, Cyrus could have gotten that locket back if he wished for it before he died, yet it seemed like he wanted her to have it.

Cyrus... That guy! He protected her while he was alive and he protected her even after he died in her hands!

But the Lockharts did want a compensation for the loss of their family and the Lockhart family asked for a permanent truce between the Brunton and Boswell family by marriage alliance between them. They were so cruel to propose marriage between Ray and Talia. They promised as long as Ray and Talia were married, the Lockhart family will not avenge for the death of Cyrus by any means. That they won't press charges against her and will let her live.

Otherwise they threatened to make enemy of both the Sinclair and Brunton family and make sure both families fall even if it meant the destruction of their own family.

But, Everyone knew Ray is the black sheep of the Sinclair family and his hatred towards the Brunton family was deep. He was also a drug addict and had a lot of women on the side. If Talia married him, her life would be ruined, entirely.

The Lockhart family did ask for a hefty compensation. One that is worse than her death or incarceration.

Of course Jerome Brunton didn't agree for it. For him his granddaughter's happiness was important. But the other heads of council decided to grant the wish of the Lockhart family. At other times, Jerome was the council. Nothing happened against his wishes. But now since this issue involved his granddaughter he had to keep his silence.

Most of them could sense from the abrupt fall in stocks that it will lead to recession and if this situation is not resolved amicably, it will lead to depression and so they, for the welfare of the nation decided to sacrifice one girl. That girl was a murderer after all. She doesn't need any concession or consideration!

Some of them were jealous of Brunton family wealth and they wanted to see them fall secretly. And now there is a perfect chance why would they let it go?

Jerome Brunton refused firmly and almost signed off his everything in exchange for his and his granddaughter's exile from the country. But even that suggestion wasn't accepted since the Council knew Northern Star won't function without Jerome.

When Arthur's father returned home, he asked to prepare for a wedding and Arthur was flabbergasted as his brother sneered in glee of the end of the Brunton family.

Arthur tried his best to reason with his father to stop this wedding but his father didn't listen and arranged for the wedding, anyhow. Arthur couldn't take it and found a way to change the groom. He did something against his own brother. But it provoked Ray and he did something unthinkable. It must have made Talia's mind jumbled.

But Arthur was surprised to know later that day that his father arranged for the immediate wedding to make sure Arthur is the one who gets married to Talia. Once the marriage is registered, not even the council can do anything about it.

Her grandfather was informed of this news only on the day of the wedding and he was overwhelmed too and agreed to her wedding wholeheartedly. And that's why they released the news of the wedding in all media outlets too.

Ray was sent to prison and the Lockhart family couldn't do anything about the change in groom but till now they haven't made any move against both the Brunton and Sinclair family.

'But what will they do if they announce annulment?'

Arthur, now sitting on that white leather couch, massaged his head that hurt like it was being hammered.

'So did Talia received news from others and thought that she is going to be married to Ray?'

The day before the wedding, he was asked not to stay with her as a sentimental thing. Apparently the groom cannot see the bride the day before wedding.

'But I sent her maids to inform that we were going to get married and even sent her a letter! What happened to it? She didn't receive the message? And she was under the impression that she is going to marry Ray?'

'Dummy! Why didn't you look to your side?'

Arthur could now understand. She's a weird one. She never looks at the things she doesn't like and doesn't care for. She didn't care for the one she thought she was going to marry and so she didn't even look to her side and searched everywhere else for him. And she was wearing some weird veil that would have affected her peripheral vision. And both him and his brother were so identical in height and weight back then.

'How disappointed she would have been to think that I had abandoned her? Will she be bappt or know I really didn't abandon her?'

Arthur decided to tell her everything. That he was the one standing by her side when she signed the document. He has proof. Photographic proof. He could see her smiling happily, accepting their marriage. He could see her going back to their country hand in hand...

He became happy.

He stood up and walked to her room and was about to knock on her door. But he stopped hearing the giggles from inside. He almost forgot that her she was with her friend.

It's fine! I can tell her later...

Arthur came back to the couch and his headache only increased. He elfelt giddy as if his eyes were darkening.

It must be exhaustion!

He decided to take a nap and lay on the couch.