Not Giving Up

"What else?," Arthur smirked as he licked his lips with his velvety tongue and held her tighter she struggled. For her height she seemed to be light and Arthur saw her getting scared and wanted to tease her a bit.

But can't she see I'm lifting her off the bed? If I want to do something to her, wouldn't the bed be more comfortable?

"Don't think of doing something funny, Fred!" Talia tried to get out of his grip but her fierce struggling only made him lose his balance and both fell on the bed with him above her and he supported himself by his elbows as he was above her with his nose almost touching her nose.

" Oh, now I can see what you want... You silly goose..." he gently nudged her nose with his nose while his hot breath tingled her, "You want me to do what we used to do, don't you?" he smiled and his lips were awfully close to hers and with him so close and his breath falling on her made her head spin and she couldn't even focus clearly.

'What we used to do?'

A series of images popped up in her head and her face got red like a tomato within a second. He smelled like her probably he used her products, but despite that there was an overwhelming masculine scent that plundered her nose that was mixed with the scent of cigar.

She loved that scent and she felt her entire body getting hot.

They did a lot in the past and in this position they used to... He used to touch her everywhere while kissing and she used to touch him... Everywhere.

'Huh! Talia, don't remember all that now' Talia figuratively waved her hand to get her off those thoughts floating above her head ,

'Don't get flustered by this guy's provocation!'

Talia soon composed herself but his thin lips just in front of her made her resolve shatter to pieces as soon as it materialised.

Ah, whatever! It's just a kiss!

Talia wanted to kiss him but then her rational mind rang a loud warning siren in her head.

' Don't give him hope!'

She tried to sit up but he was on top of her unmoving and her lips slid over his lips and she paused feeling him getting tensed up but he didn't make a move.

Talia felt the prickly feeling of his chin on her and his fringes fell on her forehead tickling her face. Oddly that made the weird sensation in her lower abdomen worse and she could feel his face heating up against her cheek and the warmth emanating from his body was getting hotter too.

She knew what this was... She is getting turned on and he is too. It's been a long time since she felt like this.

All she should say is 'Yes' or just kiss him and this situation would lead to something more... Sensual.

'But...I really cannot trust him. And I really cannot express my love to him.'

He's the one who abandoned her that day and even if he really loves her now, he'd face the same fate of those who loves her since she is a jinx. It's better to not act upon her feelings which would be better for the both of them.

Arthur could see her eyes that turned all seductive and inviting for a moment and he almost kissed her but she came closer herself and then her lips were touching his lips and his entire body started burning in desire.

He didn't want to back off from this situation. He very much welcomed this situation and wanted to escalate this situation to something more productive and interesting.

But then he saw her eyes grow distant and she laid back on the bed making some distance between them.

"I thought you left, " Talia said and she couldn't help but trail her finger through his sharp jawline. She was entirely torn between her heart and mind.

Gosh! He is perfect. Who looks this perfect this close up?

He didn't answer and but his lips and shook his head slightly. And his eyes were looking at her pleadingly. He didn't need to speak and for her it seemed like he was asking her to give him a chance.

"I'm not going to change my mind Fred, " she slightly pecked his lips and her act entirely expressed her heart while she was speaking her mind. But her I tensions were entirely different. She needs to use this time to push him away from her.

"About you or about returning back to Esteria," she let out a deep breath as she closed her eyes and slightly bit his lips while wrapping his legs around his waist. She wasn't sure what she was doing but she did it anyway since she felt like it and it did feel good and she wanted more. She didn't even want to see his expression but she could feel his excited member on her.

"Please don't get any ideas about..."

Before she could finish, she felt a strong grip on her shoulders and she was pushed on the bed and startled, she looked at him and he was gritting his teeth as he was angry.

She was a bit disappointed by his expression but she could understand him. What she did seem like she is using him for his body. Saying that she won't fall for him and yet using his love for her to just have... She'd be mad too if someone did that to her.

But this is better.

'That's right, Fred! Get angry at me, hate me and find some one else who is good for you.'

"Your hair is still wet. You better dry it," Arthur's grim expression turned softer sooner and holding her hand, he helped her up from the bed.

"Okay," she said as she touched the back of her head. She didn't realise it was still wet. As she stood up, she staggered a bit since her legs felt weak and he held her by the waist to help her balance. She smiled and awkwardly thanked him and with a nod he gave way to her.

Arthur didn't leave the room and sat on the bed and watched her sitting in front of the vanity and drying her hair gently.

Arthur smiled mockingly at himself for losing his anger towards her this easily. When she came on to him while saying she would never give her heart to him, he got angry because he felt like he was being used by her. But then he saw her pretty eyes saddening seeing his angry expression and he really couldn't be angry at her anymore.

He really had no dignity when it comes to her and it made him feel embarrassed but what else could he do? It's not like he could actually give up on her.

It's been ten years and she's done a lot of things to make sure he knows she doesn't want him. And yet he couldn't give up in her and is waiting for her like a helpless fool.

'Guess I am a simp like Jordan said!' Arthur sighed and watched her through the mirror. He really couldn't imagine a life without her.

Her long hair was so silky and it had slight curls probably because it was wet and not brushed and with the layered cut, it looked so pretty.

In their freshman year of high school, she used to have really short hair that didn't even reach her shoulders. He used to spend a lot of his free time together with her and he never measured his words with her and she never took offense to his words.

Once he was talking about his teammate who had a girlfriend and he casually mentioned that he liked girls with longer hair than shorter hair.

She just stared at him for a while and just shrugged and said she'd never have longer hair since it is harder to manage.

In the second year however, she grew her hair but she never let it grow past her shoulder blade. And when he met her a year later, she had a bob cut and through her university days she had shorter hair.

And after she started working in the PR firm, she grew her hair and it always was at the shoulder blade length too.

But after she broke up with that David, she grew her hair more and now it reached up to her waist. Arthur wondered what changed her mind.

Whatever, she looks much more adorable with this long hair!

He stood up and walked to her as she finished blow drying her hair and she was gently removing the knots in her hair with a wide toothed comb and there wasn't many and her hair flowed freely like silk as she combed.

She then picked a brush to brush her hair and he got that brush from her hand and she gave it to him a bit reluctantly. He could see she was reluctant because she doubted his ability to brush properly.

But he just needed an excuse to touch her hair and he tried his best. Brushing her soft and silky straight hair felt therapeutic to him and he had entirely calmed down.

Through the mirror, he saw her blue eyes shimmering and their eyes met as she looked at him. Her face was so pure and perfect with no blemishes he could see and her neck was long and so alluring he wanted to put a mark there.

"Say what you may, Iris. I'm never giving up on you."

Arthur said with determination and bent and placed the brush back in the drawer and seeing her looking stunned like a statue brought a smile to his face.

He placed a kiss on her cheek as he stood up and she was shocked with her pretty eyes wide and placed her hand on her cheek where he kissed her and Arthur with a smile in his face left the room, closing the door.

I don't care, I just can't give up on her!