Never Was In Love

The warm lighting of that restaurant spread a gentle ambience as a soothing jazz tune that could uplift anyone's mood was playing but it did nothing to lift Talia's mood up.

The spacious restaurant was empty since it is one of the most expensive restaurants and since it is not dinner time yet. You couldn't get in this restaurant at this time without knowing someone from the inside, Talia could infer. She never liked to go to restaurants and so she knew less about restaurants but she could be wrong too.

Talia picked up the hot water she asked with the glass looking milky with the vapours and took a sip. The place was so chilly probably because there weren't many people there. She ate a bit too much of lunch and she felt bloated. Or maybe its because of her periods she felt bloated, but she didn't feel like eating anything.

Or maybe because she saw the gloomy figure so silent, sitting in front of her testing her patience. He might be attractive for many with his beard and those glasses, but she didn't like facial hair on men. She's someone who went for the classic clean shaven look.

All she wanted was to go home, get rid of the formal wear, take a nice shower and change into comfortable wear and go to bed and sleep.

But why is she here.?

David blocked her and said he has something important to talk about and Talia deciding to end it then and there agreed. She wanted nothing to do with him and she wanted to listen to whatever he says and end it all immediately. She felt irked by the thought of having his number appearing on her phone screen once more.

But she didn't understand why they must be talking in this restaurant and even after being here for more than ten minutes he is not talking.

"What do you want?" Talia asked losing his patience. She thought she they are waiting for someone but it seemed like that's not the case.

"I - um-" David cleared his throat as his throat was hoarse, "I'm getting married." he said fiddling with his phone.

"You mentioned," Talia's eyebrows furrowed.

'I already congratulated him. What more does he expect? Throw him a bachelor party?'

"You... Are you willing to attend..."

"No!" Talia rolled her eyes and David chuckled removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"Huh! What else did I expect? "

Talia saw his shoulders shaking as he laughed and wondered what was that about. He laughed yet seemed dejected.

Do people usually invite their exes to their wedding?

"I wanted to talk to you about our earlier misunderstandings. I really didn't want to break up with you and..."

"Past is in the past Mr. Bailey. No need to bring that up. I wish you a happy life with your fiancée. It's a blessing your soul mate is the one you knew from childhood, " she put on her polite smile.

Yep, he KNEW her; biblically!

She felt irked to be there and was rather amused by his expression soothing like she always remembered. That's why she got attracted to him. That stillness that he brings... Like a warm sun in a winter morning...

All a lie!

"Did you ever love me,Talia?" he asked and Talia sneezed because of the cold.

"Bless you," David said and passed a tissue to her and his eyes looked so concerned for her and it really didn't seem fake.

And that's when she realised what she used to like about David. He was five years older than her and that's not a big age gap but he was mature. He really cared for her. He looked out for her every needs and would put her first. He protected her if there was trouble for her.

He was really organised and was an introvert like her. He never interfered in her business and was attentive to her and understood her.

They used to sit in the bed together and read books and sometimes watch shows together and rarely went out together. Both of them didn't cook and so mostly they'd order out and she never cared when he went out or came home late.

Come to think of it, they never talked about their day or opened up their hearts to each other. Or was it just her? Probably! She was numbed by Rebecca's talking and she gained this habit of not listening to when people speak even though it was impolite to do so. Maybe he tried to talk to her about him and she ignored him? It might have happened!

Living with him was easy and comfortable...

Just like with Cyrus!

Yep! Cyrus!

How come I never thought about it till now?

I called him my boyfriend but he was just a Cyrus replacement.

Is that why I felt odd when we kissed?

Is that why I could never put my heart out for him?

No wonder he Cheated! Who can blame him?



My goodness! The one serious relationship I thought I had was not even a romantic relationship.

"Guess, I didn't!" she said and she couldn't help but laugh and she could see David's eyes droop with sadness.

She must look like she's being cruel right now in his eyes. But she felt relieved like a weight got lifted from her shoulders.


She didn't want to think why. Maybe because she herself thought she was cheating on Arthur while she lived with David and now she could clearly understand the feelings she had for David.

She herself thought she actually fell in love with David. And realising she never loved David gave her happiness.

"I'm sorry, David... I'm not laughing at you. I just realised something..." Talia held back her laughter and explained to David. Good or bad, he used to care for her. She cannot throw all that out of the window.

"Was it because of that Freddy guy?" David asked in a low voice and Talia could hear someone entering the restaurant.

"Freddy?" Talia asked in a low voice too. She never mentioned about Arthur and there was no way he should be knowing about the name she called Arthur.

"Are you..."David eyebrows twitched in anger but then he took a deep breath as he rubbed his eyes.

" Never mind."

That night, it was dark and both of them were drunk and lying in the bed. She was smelling so sweet and he couldn't control his desires and hugged her. She in her drunken stupor was giggling and said that name, 'Freddy bear'. That was not the first time she said that name when she was not fully conscious. She'd mumble that name in her sleep too at times and he'd ignore it.

And that day he took her picture, she was too tensed and the moment he told her to remember the past, her face lit up with the most pleasant smile he had ever seen on her. Whenever she was with him,her smile was measured and polite and most of the time he could see, she was feigning it. He wanted her to smile at him that way... From her heart. But she never did.

He ignored that too since he found it hard to leave her. She was such a polite, charming and pretty woman that any man would want to make his wife. Yes, she was taking medications and sometimes had anxiety attacks as she mentioned. But he never saw her panicked or in distress. But at times she'd disappear for days wanting to be alone.

Still he loved her. He wanted to marry her and have her bear his kids and raise her. He was willing to wait for her.

But that day, he couldn't ignore it and he wanted to make her his and she struggled and it ended badly. He himself felt ashamed of his behaviour and brought up the break up and she agreed to it as if it was no big deal.

Even now with just months to his wedding with Linda, he couldn't stop thinking about Talia. And even during one of their intimate moments, Talia's name slipped out from his mouth and now his relationship is bumpy. He just wanted to talk to Talia to have his heart reach a decision. He heard she is still single and wanted to have a nice chat with her.

During their time together, he knew she was ambivalent but still tried to make their relationship work. She never planned for their future but still she tried to be open. He thought he might still have a chance.

But coming here, everything was different.

He loved her... He might still love her...Truly. But it seems like she never did!

And she is laughing realising that!

He felt disappointed. A lot!

Why couldn't she fall for me? Didn't I try my best? How come I was the one who fell deeper while she wasn't moved?

Even after they broke up, he thought she would call him and she didn't. She seemed like she depended on others to survive and he surely thought she'd need him sooner or later.

But she never did.

And she even backed his number and seemed to be coping really well.

How could she be that heartless?

Talia was surprised why David looked like he was hurt.

Shouldn't he be happy?

At that time a big commotion was heard behind her and she saw a woman falling face first on the floor splashing the red wine she had in her hand everywhere and most of it ended up on herself making her white skirt soiled.

"Linda..?" David stood up and Talia was surprised.

' Why is she here too? Did he want to get my blessing or something which is totally not necessary?' Talia was entirely clueless.

"You tripped me!"

Still sitting on the floor Linda barked and Talia's eyes widened seeing the exotic looking man looking down on Linda in a three piece suit standing up from the chair buttoning his suit.

"I did!"

Seriously! What's this drama?