Not A Fairy-tale

"Drag me..?" Arthur heard the weird words coming out of her mouth. She never talked like this before.

She's a princess; born and brought up as a princess who thought that no one is equal to her.

She never bragged openly but the way she conducted herself exuded confidence and assertion.

What happened to her?

"Honey, I'll never be dragged by you, trust me. If anything, you'll propel me to the stars. At least that's what you've done till now," Arthur refused to believe she actually believes what she says.

So she is ill and has some anxiety attacks. And how did it affect her overall achievements in any way? She left the country with nothing in her hand and now without even accepting a cent from her grandfather or anyone else, she is the COO of a firm earning seven digits per year.

She should be saying all these just to push me away! This...