Changing Hearts

"Whatever! I believe you!" she said sarcastically and got up. "I'll go and change. Choose a movie... Scaredy cat..."

Before he smacked her butt, she ran inside and locked her room.

Sitting on the couch as the movie started playing, Talia could see the perfect face of Arthur sitting by her side.

"What are you mumbling about?" she asked wrapping her hands around his arms and all he did was sigh deeply looking at her.

"What?" she asked laughing. It was so amusing for her to tease him.

"Your... things might pop out you know... Can't you wear a sweater above your..."

"What things?" she asked resting her hands on her cheeks and bent as she placed her elbows on her knees.

All Arthur could see was her twin girls and he closed his face with his palms.

"I know you are doing this on purpose Iris, why can't you... Ugh! Forget it! I will endure!" he sat with his back straight.