Got Caught

Talia after a quick shower for some reason couldn't bring herself to get out and face Arthur. This is the first time she felt embarrassed this much and she tried to figure out what to do while staying inside her bathroom.

Luckily she had her phone with her and she wanted to know how much it would hurt the first time. She has read some fair share of harlequin romances and in most of those books, the women were said to have gone through immeasurable pain that made them feel like they were split into half and something similar and those exaggerated words made her skeptical to believe it.

'Why would any woman put herself through that of the pain is that great, right? If that's the case the world won't be overpopulated right now!'

She checked the Internet for more answers and there the results were entirely different. Slight pain, discomfort and maybe slight bleeding.

'This seems acceptable' she thought and then she remembered his size and bent and looked between her legs.