Titles and Troubles

Talia cussing Arthur in her heart, wrapped herself in her coat since she felt a little chilly. She really liked to dress warm.

After travelling for an hour in that sinful traffic, she reached the restaurant and as she entered, she saw a clerk welcoming her. A coat check attendant got her coat and she was respectfully brought to the top floor of the restaurant that looked more regal with many round tables and at one glance, she could see only few people there. Most of them weren't the patrons of the restaurant but paparazzi from Esteria.

She hid her annoyance with a smile. Even though she predicted this would happen, she still felt irked to be there. She walked towards Prince Edward who was walking towards her with a dazzling smile. If she was some maiden with Cinderella dreams, she'd have fallen for that man looking like a fallen angel with angelic charm.