Care And Love

Not even an hour passed since Talia left the restaurant, but as she checked the stock market, she could see Northern Star's stocks falling.

She checked the tabloids of Esteria to see the picture of her throwing wine at Prince Edward on the front page. There was even a short video clip - edited of course to make it seem like she poured wine at the Prince for no reason.

Some bold words caught her eyes like Wayward heiress, previously accused of murder, Royal Princess of Rosandale and so on.

She forced herself to not read any of those articles since she knew she would only be disheartened reading it. She is not that strong mentally and it would be better for her to avoid these kind of negative things.

Good thing she wasn't in on any social media platform or else she'd be buried with hateful comments in her mentions. But as she expected as she browsed through she could see all those articles taken down one by one and the video was deleted.

'Wow! They are fast!'