Dangers Around

Talia could feel her heartbeat racing and pushed him away. She could feel her face burning out of embarrassment.

"Stop pushing!" he held her hand and he really couldn't stop grinning. And she looked so adorable with her face red like apple.

He placed one of his hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him while holding the back of her neck with his other hand and kissed her.

Soon the temperature in the room increased so much that Talia felt like she'd be swallowed whole by the hungry man nibbling on her.

"Come on! The bed is not made..."

"Are the sheets necessary?" Arthur's hand tried to slip inside her robe and Talia could feel the scorching heat of his palm on her chest.

"Yes, stinky. Now go and take a shower and come back,"

She negotiated for sometime and got herself out of his hold.

"Fine! "

He took a step away from her but he couldn't help but turn and kissed her once more.