Chance Meeting

Talia walked out of her apartment building and waited for the cab she booked. Rebecca was sending ten messages per second asking her when she'd be there and Talia regretted ever promising that nagging woman to go shopping with her.

As she was watching the road as the app said the cab was near her, a little blond boy wearing red coat caught her eyes. He was walking towards her in the sidewalk and seemed to be in a hurry. He looked seven to eight years old and had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.

Well... She had already seen those blue eyes before.


Before she could even realise what she was doing, she had already stopped him by grabbing his shoulders.

The little boy looked at her with a little frown and tried to get out of her grip.

Talia didn't realise what she is doing can be considered assault. She took a closer look at his face and felt her knees go weak. A thin layer of perspiration formed on her face.