End For Her?

As she walked out to the roof, the brightness of the sun made Talia's eyes squint as she suddenly got exposed to the natural lighting. Heavy wind blew on her face and the air was fresh compared to the suffocating dusty air she was breathing some moments ago.

The wind still carried the shouts and cries from the road below making an odd feeling in her heart. This is not the first time something of this scale happened all because someone wanted her dead.

'There goes how many lives...all because of me...'

Talia sighed and she heard loud engine noises coming from her left and knew it should be the cops arriving to control the riot on the streets. She looked to her right and it seemed like the man following her had disappeared.

She naturally walked to her left, waving her hands , knowing she'd be rescued by the cops. She knew the mercenaries won't be making a big mess involving the law officials of another country and would back off now.