Any Message?

Talia locked her bedroom and sat on the bed kneading her forehead. She didn't know what's going on anymore.

Arthur had returned her keys he took with him when he left in the morning and he didn't even pass a letter to Jordan and just asked him to get his luggage.

And Jordan... That guy, he isn't even stepping inside her home and just standing outside for her to get Arthur's luggage. She wasn't willing to beg him to get in and so she left him out and only invited Lambert in.

Well, whatever!

Talia collected herself and stood up and neatly packed Arthur's bag. That's the only way she knew how to pack! She was a little disappointed she is being kept in the dark, but she was more sad that she won't be able to touch Arthur any sooner.

'Fred, you idiot! Why are you leaving without even kissing me good bye?' she grumbled in her heart as she packed.

And as she packed, she saw that odd printed boxer he wore the other day and she couldn't help but laugh.

'That was a good day!'