
Talia leaned on the couch, looking around. There wasn't much noise except the sloshing sound of water from the dishwasher.

The temperature inside was perfect and yet she felt like she was cold. Like she was exposed or something.

Everything was just how it was a week back. But she felt something was different. Like there was something missing.

The silence that used to comfort her in the past felt suffocating now.

She looked at the coffee table in front of her and all she remembered was that day they placed the laptop there and watched a movie while she was leaning on him in the couch.

When she looked at the kitchen all she could see was the image of the tall, muscular, handsome man, with his back facing her, cooking something on the stove.

It's not even hours since he's left and yet she was already missing him.

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. And all those commotion from the morning came to her mind.