Detail She Missed

Talia took in a deep breath before entering the apartment building of Camellia Langdon. With her guards following her, she was led to the apartment in the top floor by Cyril's men.

Talia was a bit surprised to see the two men standing guard by the door and even though she protested, the guards entered in with her.

With two men behind her standing in attention, Talia was sitting in the couch with Camellia sitting in front of her.

Talia expected that she won't be welcomed in there but was surprised by how calm Camellia looked. She seemed to be suppressing her emotions rather than being calm.

"Tea or coffee?"

Camellia asked and Talia felt like she was being pierced by those eyes looking at her.

"No, thanks," Talia refused politely and looked around.

The place seemed a bit messy or to be more precise, lively. Like people are living there and they felt cozy. As she looked around her eyes got fixed on a particular photograph stuck on the refrigerator.