Cyrus Knew

Talia's hands shook and the little picture in her hand slipped and like an autumn leaf falling from a tree, it ended up swirling. It then slowly rested on the pillow she had on her lap.

She knew this image and what that image is. Cordelia has shown her before. But she was too shocked to believe her eyes.

That black and white image; possibly the first image signifying life, confirming the formation of new life - The image of a fetus.

The black and white image reflected in her blue eyes filled with shock. She forgot to blink as if she was engraving that image in her eyes, like she wanted to make sure she is seeing what she is seeing.

Talia's brain froze for sometime and she didn't know how long she held her breath but with a loud gasp, she came to her senses.

If Cyrus was keeping this photo in his locket, it should be because it's the image of his child.

Talia could understand how he got this image even when Camellia said she didn't inform Cyrus of her pregnancy.