Bringing Back

Talia looked at the file that wasn't that large. The video probably won't be longer than a minute. She felt her heart beat like a drum out of excitement.

She pulled out the tissues from the side and wiped her face as she had cried unknowingly. After gathering herself together she clicked the file.

Arthur's face appeared in her monitor. It seemed like he had recorded the video in his laptop webcam sitting on her couch.

How is he this handsome?

It seemed like he didn't know what to say and he ended up staring the camera for fifteen seconds. For Talia it felt like he was staring at her. His eyes were slightly reddened as if he was tired or sad.

After fifteen seconds, he cleared his throat, "Iris," his deep baritone voice vibrated in the speaker of her laptop and Talia looked at him attentively, still grinning ear to ear. He looked so cute.