The Letter She Wrote

For that he needs to step inside the Council.

But it is impossible.

Well, next to impossible. But there is a way.

And once inside, how will he find out who is truly loyal and who is not?

And for that, He needs to be the absolute scum there is and make sure everyone believe he is his grandfather 'the nasty Boswell' and want the end of the Brunton family.

Arthur walked to the turret where the piano was and his hands gently traced the big black plank covering the keys. He hasn't touched the piano for a while; this piano he bought for her. The last time he did was to learn a song for her.

She laughed hearing it... So sweetly and genuinely... Even though she didn't say it, he knew she appreciated his efforts.

She never gave him an answer that day if she'd want to return but he could see the desire in her eyes. Desire to be here... With him.

She did agree to be here and when she agreed, it became too late.

He could have heard her playing this piano by now...