
"This is a comfortable seat. No wonder Lord Clairmont wishes for this," Arthur said in a smooth voice but his curled lips revealed his intent of mockery.

Olivia sitting to the left of Arthur was mesmerised for a moment seeing the man to her right. His hand holding the cigar was on the armrest while he was leaning on the backrest casually with his right ankle over his left knee as he was shaking his feet.

His side profile with that clean shaven angular jaws, tall straight nose, the thin lips that curled up with mockery and those sharp eyes that followed Lord Clairmont, made her throat dry and she gulped unconsciously.

He is a hunk!

But soon she remembered this stinky man is the one who sank her father's ships, saved Talia that other day and she had to leave Jared and be with this... "Prince" because of him.

Jared's more cooler than this Arthur...

Yes! It is true! And I want to destroy Arthur!

Olivia said that twice in her heart to make herself stick to that truth.