The Message.

"Wow! I'm a celebrity!!! I became the first page news in a tabloid newspaper!!! Yay me!! "

Talia drank some water not minding Rebecca getting excited seeing her picture on a tabloid based in Esteria.

That was a normal pap shot. The faces of pedestrians were blurred, focusing only on Talia. Only Rebecca's side profile was visible and the angle the shot was taken made it seem like Talia was leaning in to kiss Rebecca.

She got the notifications and as she was reading the article, Rebecca butted in and she seemed to be pretty happy to see her picture in a tabloid.

How stupid is she!.

Mr. Ed informed her that those paparazzi must be paid for by someone just to slander her since they didn't accept their offer to pay money to stop the article from getting published.

What a headache!